5 mistakes on creating your own community!

ydrargyros posted 8th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.
As for now i've collected the most common mistakes out of articles on the internet and my own experience till now!
so here they are for you to consider!
  1. Don't say your community is the best! The internet community sites are numberless and surely no-one is the best in any way. Instead try to advertise the nice features your site has that no other does! even if you advertise yourself in your homepage it works.
  2. Don't spam people...mostly because it's not publicity at all.Major freemail industries have up to date anti-spam filters so although you may think you've sent a million mails...only few find their targets...more over... even fewer are effective (people actually sign-up)
  3. Don't loose the big picture.Having your friends sign up won't help you achieve a "target mass".Instead you'll only create a very small circle of friends and knowns with it's limits and it's disadvantages.
  4. Learn your target group and learn it right.Do your homework first, resolving whom you want to sign up and find ways to allure them! Use your imagination and tricks to make your community better all the time!
  5. SEO is for pros...better hire someone that knows what he is doing than struggle yourself through ineffective search engine rankings!
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yes it' s realy good
same remark to you ;) People often override common knowledge.
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