
Andrew Boon posted 8th of August 2008 in . 590 comments.

8 is not just a simple number for us, actually. You can see it in our logo; it has something to do with the "Next Big Thing" and finally... it's my favorite number (I just consider it lucky :-) )

So, we couldn't just let the day 08.08.08 simply come and go. We have little thing for you.

Today we're giving out unlimited number of full (paid) licenses of the Next Big Thing. It's not available yet, but it surely will be available soon. I am pretty certain that most (if not all) of our readers would want a license.

All you have to do is to leave 1 (just one) comment for this post. Just a few words about yourself - a small introduction, if you will AND a few words about how you've spent or going to spend the day 08.08.08.

Every commenter will receive a single full license of NBT once it is available.

UPDATE: Looks like we have a good lot of comments, and the 8 day is over, but hey, let's run it up to 888 comments!

Please login to post a comment.

i'm orion, and i'm a webdesigner and developpers in php. all i'll have to do in this day is to ask my ex girlfriend (that i love so much) to come again with we, so if you consider that "8" is a lucky number for you, hope that it will be lucky for me, and hope that i will marry her on 10.10.10 !
My name is Harry Boota, i have been familiarizing myslef with Dolphin over the past few months so that I can customise the script for my websites that i intend launching very soon. Some of the planned websites are listed below.













to see more name just a few for starters

However today ON THE 080808 I have launched muslimbrides.com, gone live, and also been painting and decorating.

Have a look at muslimbrides.com and give some feedback please feedback@muslimbrides.com

It takes two to Tango and thats my name. I forgot to dance as I am busy workin with my site powered by Boonex. I would be busy working on 08.08.08 to improve my site and make sure there it is hackers safe (lol)... Best wishes to Boonex team and looking forward to receive the NBT. Hope this post is not too late. Thanks.
I'm Trond, and I just run a small community just as a hobby.

08/08/08 I spent at home having a nice dinner with my wife and watched a movie.
Seems like an opportunity!

My name is Greg. I'm a Consultant by trade and contract for the federal government. I've started another business in internet retail and am using a free niche social network as a marketing tactic among all the other SEO and paid ads. This is where Dolphin comes in. So far so good. I need to get better at the viral marketing thing though!

What I'm going to do today is entertain my visiting mother, sister and nephew at our local zoo. I'll also help my daughter see more with her love; hunter/jumper equitation.

After 8 days spent in Corsica ( see family)

arrived by boat this morning

this day that goes past has put some order in all my mail and my site sexualfreedomclub

with a head full of beautiful image of my country to my family with a good little rosé wine :)
hi to all, im Robert ... 08/08/08 is a special day in Italy ... you wont know why ... ? because today I go on vacation, and is the last day of work for me ... here in itay today all peaple stop working and all go on holiday.

tonight sparkling wine at all in my office ...
toast for you too ... a greeting from Naples
Well any news from Boonex comes with a lot of excitement. You know something that will hold you on to it...:)
This is Umesh... I also have a niche social network. Today I am gonna post 8 inspirational life tips for the members of my site...

I am Haythem. I study engineering.
I currently live in tunisia.

I dont know if you already know that, but, in all cases, i cant be buying any licence, cause in Tunisia, we can not send money out to other countries ( there is no way, only Offshore entreprises, and Travel Agencies have right to VISA or Mastercard ) (however we can receive money with western union lol)

So i do thank you for this, it is good news, gives me hope.
Andrew Boon
I'm Andrey. I have a lovely family - beautiful wife and a very smart little son.

I'm in software business... you know... computers, internet, that sort of thing.

I want to unite people, seriously. It can make the world a better place.

And my 08.08.08 is almost over (Australia), but I've posted a few words about it here - http://www.andrewboon.com/archives/87
08/08/08 is the Day with the most weddings since 02/02/02 in Germany.
My name is Robin and hoping to run the next biggest facebook/myspace in the world.
After my birthday a few days ago I am now working again on my project.
So I mean my small community with dolphin and the unbelievable number of mods I bought and installed.

Have a nice 8.8.08. :)
This is cool :)

My name is James and I'm a programmer and designer. I write tutorials about Dolphin.

The symbolic meaning of 8 in some cultures means a new beginning as it comes after the number 7 which in itself means completeness. So I think it's fitting that you've called it the Next Big Thing.
Had an unfortunate car accident on 07/07/07 so I plan to play it cool on 08/08/08. Hope everyone else has better luck!

Can't wait to hear what the NBT is!
I'm Stephan. I am married to a wonderful lady and today we are invited to the marriage of a friend couple. That is how we will spend this day! ;-)

I am in provider business, internet, datacenter, networking, storage, virtualization, etc

I try to bring my private worldwide community closer with Dolphin! Looking forward to NBT!
Hi my name is joey i am from the netherlands

my 08-08-08 is special today i am 5 years with my wife. so its a verry special day :)
Hi, my name is Jeff.

I am a jack of all trades, expert at none....lol.

Well expert at some.

I will spend the day pondering just what is the NBT, to be sure if it is the NBT then I definately want to be a part of it.

Can't wait.
I am James or Jim to my friends. I live with my lovely partner Donna. I am a wannabe webmaster, and have been trying to build and design sites for around a year now, still not very good at it yet but it keeps me occupied as I don't get out much due to a disability.

Today I am going to be spending my time sitting here at my computer attempting to complete my dolphin website and make it go live. I will also be writing some more of a book I have been working on for the past three months.
Hello, my name is Phil and I'm a software engineer for a large government contractor. I'm currently running Dolphin for a pinball enthusiasts group (www.pinballhaven.com) and I would definitely be interested in the NBT.

Thanks very much for all your hard work on Dolphin and for this opportunity with NBT.
Hi there,

I'm using your product(s) for a year now and I was quite happy at first :-) Later on, with 6.x (changes&bugs) not so much (happiness), but I'm still around... so, you can still count me in as a customer :-)

I'm heading shortly for some shopping :-) Tomorrow we're expecting some friends over (no, we're not celebrating your 3x8, just maybe 8+ years since I met them last time :-)

Last note: please make sure what you release is tested so that your support team can really do support see more and not just forward bug fixing request :-)

You might be a small team, but I'm still trusting you with my site(s)

Good Luck!
Hello world!

I am using dolphin, ray, etc to create a "platform" for everyone to practice, gather and express "being the change" in communities across the world.

The site is still in "beta" but already, a lot has happened. Today, we will upload a whole bunch of pictures of an outpouring of art and insight from a community in Ohio. Check it out at ChangeExpo.com

08/08/08 is a big day for this "movement" as well because today is the first time we're see more announcing this site. And it is right here at the Boonex community. Come, join the movement!
My name is Lawrence and i'm a web designer. I've got 2 sites, 1 of them is Dolphin Powered.

About 08.08.08
Today i think i'll spend my day working on my site or just hang out.
Hello to all :)
My name is Arturs, im from Latvia. Today im going to work work work on my Dolphin site! And in the evening will go have some party :)
Wow. Ok, my name is Tony, I am a system administrator in "real life" but I am an outdoor adventurer in my soul. I will spend the early part of today in development of my Dolphin site and also remotely working for my "real job", then I will spend about 4 hours training for a grueling mountain bike race that I want to enter next year!
Whats up guys ! its me tim a.k.a slashz .Well today im creating template PCS (plain, clean, simple ) for dolphin 6.0 and 6.1 and im also watching the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympics 2008. Happy 8ers day to all of you.

I'm Lyubov and I'm just happy! This day is really special.... like every Friday I think :) Fortunately it's 08.08.08 evening :) we are going to finish our hard working day :) and have some beer to relax after hard working week.

Wish all the best to everyone... today, tomorrow, always!

May I have a license now? :)
Hi, friends!
I'm Olga. This is so much fun!
I'm a happy mother of two sons, enjoying my life.
Lucky to be a part of this great and exciting community, called BoonEx.

My day? TGIF! I'm going to see my friends tonight and make plans for the weekend.
Peace to the World!
Today, I will be attending memorial services for my great aunt who passed away last Friday. Mother of 5, grandmother of 9, and great-grandmother of 22. She will be remembered by many!

Lottie Rainey
10-10-24 to 08-01-2008
Hello, I am a computer & network technician as well as a web designer.

Today, I will be attending memorial services for my great aunt who passed away last Friday. Mother of 5, grandmother of 9, and great-grandmother of 22. She will be remembered by many!

Lottie Rainey
10-10-24 to 08-01-2008

I'm Guido from Germany and I'm working from beginning with Dolphin as a Contributor... My own Site www.singlemonster.de is still running and I'm wayting for next big things og Boonex!

Best regards


Warren from Ireland Here, its not raining today which makes a nice change :o)

Looking forward to seeing NBT :o)

hi i am pepe and i have birthday today :D for me its big thing with boonex big thing :D
This day is much special for me...why??
Bcoz its my b'day on 08.08.08 and finally i've turned 18 (after hardwork of years)!!!
I'm Gautam Chaudhary, a young Indian whose life's mission is quite similar to that of Boonex.
Since morning i was busy wid all those b'day celebrations...n checking all those mails wid title 'happy birthday'. Finally when i got bored with that stuff, i wrote this post :-)
a good day to get married, shit I am happyli married!
Not at all it is a good day just that I must go on work!
Best regards

Its Daniel here, been with BoonEx for awhile and cant wait to find out what NBT is. 08.08.08 the launch of the olympics.
Michael from Greece,

Offering and supporting web services to our customers, I have been following the developemnt of boonex apps for a few years now and looking forward to The Next Best Thing!!!!

Well today TGIF!!! (Thank God is Friday!!!) So I get to go out for a drink with friends and get some extra sleep too!!!!

Keep up the good work

Its izwan here, I'm a freelance web/software programmer from Malaysia and still single.

I'm looking for the Next Big Things from boonex.
I am spending the day with a branding consultant to focus and improve the delivery of Truly Viral Media's project The HotSpot Radio Network www.hotspotradio.com

Then I will watch the Olympics on TV

I am Dirksen from California. While 8-8-8 is ending for some, it is still beginning for me. I am in sales and marketing. This web thing for me is more a passionate hobby as I strongly believe the the Boonex Mission, uniting the world. To many Disneyland tours of "its a small world after all" as a child, what can I say? All good stuff! Happily married on 7-7-7 with a Civil Cerremony, we planned to have our Catholic Wedding on 8-8-8. Well, with much excitement, we married last April see more in the Church. So today is a work day, and tonight I look forward to watching the the opening games of the Olympics. Oh shheees, look what time, must get back to work, does that happen to anybody else?
Come to the dark side, We have Cookies.
K ?, THX, BYE!
In this eighth day of the eighth month of the eighth year after 2000 I'll look at the sky and hoped that in the world for the next 8 years tolerance among peoples is stronger than ever and that peace should take precedence over the stupidity Human and its cohorts wars.
And then I will also send a small message to my boyfriend to tell him that I love very much.
Ah, I also played a famous games in Europe and particularly in France: EUROMILLION. You never know;)
Otherwise, any team BOONEX a great see more success for the future, and all users of this superb script that DOLPHIN, I want a long prosperity for their website.

En ce huitième jour du huitième mois de la huitième année après 2000 je vais regarder le ciel et espérer que dans le monde, pour les 8 prochaines années la tolérance entre les peuples soit plus forte que jamais et que la paix prenne le pas sur la bêtise humaine et ses cohortes de guerres.
Et puis je vais aussi envoyer un petit message à mon petit ami pour lui dire que je l'aime très fort.
Ah j'ai aussi joué à un jeux célèbre en Europe et plus particulièrement, en France: EUROMILLION. On ne sait jamais ;)
Sinon, à toute l'équipe de BOONEX, une grande réussite pour l'avenir, et à tous les utilisateurs de ce superbe script qu'est DOLPHIN, je souhaite une longue prospérité pour leur site web.
Bonnex began with the number 1
1: This is the first of numbers, is the beginning, is the only one, is absolute. It is linked to the creative energy, originality, power, and objectivity.

Today I am today with the number 4.
4: This issue is related to organised labour and led to mass, the concern with details, the energy to build and implement.

I believe that Boonex is currently linked to the number 8.
8: This number represents the victory and prosperity. It also represents the power see more and sound management of its business.
Allright this is me, Dennis .. And actually in Germany no one is talking about that very important and unique day..
Well if you think about it then you will notice that we have only 4 of such days again..
and then for the most of us there will be no such day anymore^^
Well i will just go out and party so that this day will be good remembered by me ..
Thank you so much for a free shark license .. i love your jobs!
I'm Sanj aka Madcap. Just been to my photo studio to see a female model I'm shooting next week! Should be alot if fun!

Other than that it's miserable here in the UK - someone's having a laugh saying that this is summer here! More like Autumn - it's freezing! Oh how I wish I lived somewhere where there was at least a dfinate warm summer!

All the best to Boonex!

I am an Aussie working in Qatar, today I Skyped my daughter in Australia for her birthday.
I want something for breakfast... and then i 'd love to take a nap
Eight is lucky for the Chinese. Will it be lucky for me? I'm working on several websites today and about to order an upgrade of another. Another day, and more work. Not much change there then!
Cool idea! I'm a Lotus Notes professional and will be developing all day long, then I'm following bordelloguy's advice of eating and taking a nap :)
888 are lucky numbers! Looking forward to seeing The next Big Thing!
Being a freelance web designer, I am keeping an eye of boonex site for the Next big thing. Useds dolphin is many of my projects, you guys make very good scripts !!
"Next Big Thing." I am sure the next Big Thing will be very cool like all the Boonex Products :) Happy 8's Everyone.
I am Scott and I didn't spend 8-8-08 reading the great comments above I spent it reading hot chick chat here at home in wonderful Minnesota USA
Looking forward the NBT and hoping it will be a RBD (really big deal) for all the boonies around the world. Hi Andrey don't forget my address I can't wait for the NBT. I have two boonie sites and hope to get two 8-8-08 NBT's
I am a graphic design for both print and web, my day will be spent trying to make a games schedule digital display for the Olympic games work.
I'm a web developer for a research company and like to keep up with some projects I have outside of work. I came across Boonex last year after a long time considering the move to AeDating for my small personals site. I made the plunge and have not looked back! I am looking forward to seeing future development with Dolphin and other Boonex software. It is 08.08.08 and I will spend most of today in the office unfortunately!
I'm looking for someone who can code, debug aedating, if interested reach me at: christv1962@yahoo.com

Hi my name is Dirk. Dont know why but its an funny idea. Str8ght forward, good bless.
HI i am swaran,

From a small remote village in india living in ireland now,Father of a beautiful 8 month old baby,

I never knew having a break from watching live Olympic ceremony will get a me a license of NBT

Good luck to everyone on this site


Rochit here... I always loved boonex products as they are always up to date with the latest changes and requirements of today's social needs. I am Internet marketing professional working with a top digital firm. Having an entrepreneurial spirit . Started my first community site with the help of boonex powered products.

08.08.08 the only significance of this date is that now I am expecting another amazing product from boonex.. and getting a free license ;). And actually I am also planning see more a for my Boss's birthday which is tommorrow. .. If you want to know more about me do visit mykarma.in.. Cheers and best of luck andrey.
Hello, I.m jhazrin a freelance web,graphic,flash designer. Can't wait to see what the NBT is? if me we missed the 08-08-08 do we have another chance let say 09-09-09?
I dedicate this day to... number 8 !! :-))
Hello everyone!

Happy 08.08.08!

Todays date is 08.08.08 which many think is insignificant but is really an event because it only happens ONCE in your lifetime!

It will be the same with 09.09.09, 10.10.10, 11.11.11 and 12.12.12 also and then POOF that's the END of it for another ONE HUNDRED YEARS!

So make today special in someway and make it count!

Do something nice for others without them asking .....

My name is Joseph, but I go by my middle name Shane. I am a lucky father of a beautiful little girl w/ Autism. I am a Regional Warehouse Manager for a company in the petrochemical industry in Texas. At night I am a freelance web designer and marketer. I am a huge Houston Texans fan and this is our year to go to the playoffs. Go Texans! I will be spending the day at work waiting to go home to my family.

Its all great, for 080808
It's really brill, such a thrill!

I've got a dolphin site, it's really alright.
In a different way, I'll update it today.

This poem is ghey! lol

Does NBT stand for Not Before Time?

Coffee, cigarettes & computers!
Hmm. "Next Big Thing." I am sure about that "Next Big Thing" will be very cool like all Boonex Products.
Hi, I'm a C programmer. The 29th Olympic Games opening ceremony begins at 08.08.08 8:00 PM +08 time zone, two more 8, hah. I'm watching it now.
Hi !
My name is David i from Poland .
I'am programmer , designer and boss Dolphin Polish support.
Hi - my name is Artur - and I want licenses )))
I guess it is not too late now :)
I am posting comment on this site to check if really 08.08.08 works for me.

I am Arvind Agarwal from Jaipur, India
I am Jeff. I plan on spending my day going the court house filing a small claim against an HOA that towed my car while I was out on business....fun.

I am looking forward to seeing the new software as I do enjoy following Boonex & the development of their software.
I'm Michael and well I spent the day adding properties to a real-estate web site and transferring data from my employers old web site to the new one.... such an exciting life i lead.... oh, and i had pizza for dinner - highlight of my day :)

I'm Matt a webmaster that is publishing a few big websites in the Netherlands.

8 is also my lucky number and now it's my day :D I would love to have a free license for my new free dating site in the Netherlands and I’m waiting for it as if it is my first birthday gift :P (I can’t wait on it I’m so curious!)

Have a nice 08.08.08 everyone!

Kind regards,

I'm liking 08.08.08 already since it is a friday. NBT is something I can't wait to finally see, there is so much hype about it.
I'm anticipating my chill weekend, and spending it with the guys since my gf is away in italy. Shout out to Andrey! your the man for promoting NBT this way!!
I'm Klem, living in sunny south of France. I'm working as a freelance webmaster, and currently working on a new project using Dolphin.

Today is a big day for me because 8 are also my favorite number.. And I met my girl on a 8 day, 5 months ago. A very special day..

Really curious to see the NBT..
hello my name is Markus and i came from germany. I am very curious what is the next Big Thing. I wish everyone a pleasant weekend.
Well 08-08-08 the best of luck to you all. This will be a lazy day for me. Just speding the day at home on the net, and checking my Fav site. boonex.com. You ppl rock. I wish you the best.

Have Fun!
I love to test software even though I often don't know what for. :D
I'm looking forward to the NBT.
Hi, I'm maceio and I'm spending 8-8-08 babysitting my niece for my sister and watching the rebroadcast of the Cleveland Browns preseason game against the NY Jets.
Hey guys, my name is Loyce. I do web design mostly for churches and non profits. Some are paying gigs and some are not. I occasionally write my own stuff, but prefer using ready to go scripts and apps. Currently working on a simple script to allow my clients to edit their own pages. They will only have access to edit the text area. Formatting will be handled by CSS in the parent page. If you know of anything like this already out there let me know.

I have decided to take today off. 08.08.08 see more seems like a good reason to do some of the things I have planned to do as soon as I have time. Today, I am making time. Happy 888!
On 08.08.08 my best friend is celebrating a birthday, just going to buy him a gift. I hope that I will well-played
: D.
date 08.08.08 i specially for me because this day is Frayday :D
I'am designer and programmer.
I'm Dale. 8-8-08 is a great day. Because it is also Friday, I am going to spend it preparing for the weekend. It's been a tough week educating clients on web marketing and standing on my head to balance what they want with what will work. I need to get it together for a Monday meeting where we will be starting a new client with a new boonie site.
Well, I've promoted the Boonex Community platform to a number of my clients - and one is on the verge of deploying it... So I'm looking forward to the next big thing!

~ Vik
Howdy Doody Everyone,

My name is Mark, and Im a keen singer/songwriter & like to develop websites in my spare time.

Today this 08.08.08 Im hoping is lucky for me. After finishing work tonight, I will be going to my new local pub, entertaining the crowd with a few of my funny songs and hoping the lady of my dreams walks in.
I'm Guillermo from Surinam (South America). I bet 99.9% of the people here have no idea where it is.
Well I'm a freelancer currently trying to grow to become a legit company. I will spend the day working on my management skills :) I don't want clients to refer to me as Spiderman, brilliant but lazy. I love the Boonex projects but haven't launched one yet, i just reading the newsletter to keep me updates of the cool things you guys are busy with.

Hope the new project is something I will use for see more a client !:)
I am just hanging out hoping Boonex and the NBT turn out to be all that I hope it will.
On 08.08.08 my best friend is celebrating a birthday, just going to buy him a gift. I hope that I will well-played
: D.
I am a small web development team manager and a designer... Today I'll be "pushing pixels" all day and my yougest kid turns 23 moths
Reading the comments was an interesting activity. I look forward to your new product.
My name is Sebastian.
I'am from Poland and i administrator server.
This day i very specially for me because you give me full licenses for free ;)
Name's Blurrr and I'm a web developer. I work for a company that develops applications for large companies and I have my own company that does web and computer support for small businesses. (blurrr.com)
8/8/8 will be spent supporting my clients and mowing my 5 acres.
Advice: Never pass up something that's free.
Spending triple8 moving my Dolphin/Ray to an amazon ec2 instance in the cloud.....
Hi! I'm Darren, and I write and perform comedy and film. I originally started working with boonex to try to build a community of college improv comedy groups accross the country. On a related note, I'm spending the day in a 3 day, 24 hour/day improv marathon in New York. SOooo today is very special for me too!
Today? Hmmm... I am spending most of it in SecondLife, creating clothing, kajira silks while thinking about establishing a boonie network with other clothing designers in SL.
Hey I'm Barron, going to be spending the big 08/08/08 working and watching movies, exciting I know! Hoping the Next Big Thing will be awesome like the rest of the things around here! :)
My name is Sebastian.
I'am from Poland and i administrator server.
This day i very specially for me because you give me full licenses for free ;)
Just plan to spend the day working and relaxing, and praying. Looking forward to this NBT. I have used Dolphin for quite some time and I love all the features. Thank you again.
im kasjan, i spend 080808 on learning a bit php and sql security or coding whole night:)
Hey how is everybody. Today is the 8 - 8 - 08 very lucky day for some people, "GOOD KARMA". I am bored as hell, nothing to do at work. It is nice when you get pay to do nothing.

I will love to see whats the next big thing from Boonex. Have a great day everybody
Hello everybody!

I am Hendrik, I am a Dutch web designer and I live in London.

Today, on 8 8 8 - the luckiest day on the calendar I will be out celebrating with my friends!

And I wish you all the best luck today!!!

today i am making 5000 us dollars on 8-8-08 i am selling my old chevy 1969 impala , this is truly a great day for me , happy 8's everyone
8-8 is the 221st date of the year 2008.
Hola! no se de que se trate el nuevo producto pero si es de boonex seguro es algo bueno así que estaré expectante para ver de que se trata :)

I'm php developer. I'm developing social engine sites. I'm really interested about this new product and checking for news about it every day. All this day i will spend with my girlfriend. I will buy a lottery ticket maybe this day is really lucky. :) thanks.
Hi all, I'm a British guy in Bali, Indonesia who has recently quit the rat race to pursue making money online full time... I never want another boss again!

Spent today down by the beach followed by watching the Olympics opening ceremony, and tomorrow I might just take the plunge with Dolphin for the first time...
I became a fan of Boonex around two years ago, when I was very heavy into open source and social networking. I've fallen off the web developer train a bit but looking to come back aboard. It's been so long that I even forgot my original username. I'll be spending today in photoshop and on the couch; as it is my day off!

It's my birthday in 10 days time!

I love the 8 th month !

18 - 08
As u can see, I am Ben. Ha.... It's really a special day for China, as well as the world. Definitely, I am looking forward to the Olympic Games Opening. And before it, I am going to meet several friends, since it is still summer vocation, I have to spend my days wisely and wildly. LOL. Surely, I read the E-mail and comment here, expecting NBT. I do like Boonex, and NBT would be awesome! ^_^
I am brian, and i will spent 080808 with my lovely girlfriend.. We will make a great dinner with some good tasting redwine.. and just relax together :)

I am quite exited about the upcomming "NBT"... and hope i will have the option to get it on my site :)

Have a nice weekend all
Hi, I am Brian Manousakis. I own and run my own I.C.T. business from home.
I have a beautiful fiance and 4 children. All my children are my life and future.

You guys are the greatest :D
Hi. Im running a Sport fishing community based on Dolphin and I guess I will try to get around 8 more members today...
Hello. My name is Pieter and I'm from Belgium. Today I did what I do almost everyday. Check the internet for great new things and so on. And I also watched some olympic tv today also. Just wanted to see how the opening show looked.
hi to all, my name is Gordon from germany ... 08/08/08 is a special day for me because today was the last day of work for me for the next 4 weeks. Il go on holiday long long 4 nice weeks.

Best regards
Hi, I'm Davide and I'm the ICT Manager at University for Foreigners in Perugia Italy, I'm writing with my mobile phone from the train running to my original city, Milano, where I'm going to start my holidays with my sons. It could be strange but I didn't get the reservation before catching the train and when I was on board the last free place I found was number 88 on coach number 8, so let me say: this is my lucky day :-)
The name's Marty. I am older than I look with two grand kids and one on the way. I'll spend the day of 8's working on a couple of sites, getting my new even higher speed internet service installed (going to 10mbps plus) and spending time with my older grand daughter.
Hello its Pawcio here :)

What a great evening here in GMT - I am going to bake an apple pie tonight :) I would invite you all guys but... ehm... you know... I'll eat everything before you manage to arrive ;)
I will spend 8/8/08 thinking of my best friend from when I was 10 years old, whose birthday is 8/8. Never fails: every year I remember Jennifer and how brilliantly odd we were as kids.

I used aeDating years ago for an ill-fated politically themed community/dating website, and still have dreams of others from time to time.

Soon. Very soon.

Happy 8/8/08.
I am Tiago, a portuguese entrepeneur. And in this day (08-08-08) I'm trying to make my daughter behave and let me work a little, but I think she's winning...
Well, I 'll be speding my 8-8-08 working and wondering what the heck is Boonex up to now. It's always something and usually very exciting.
Hey! I'm in the process of planning a new site based on the Dolphin platform... And today I happen to be looking for a new home (my personal NBT...), so let's hope 08/08/08 brings me luck during my search....
I am Fatih from Cyprus.
My wife's nephew is going to married today on happy/lucky 8s. Wish him a good luck.
As a air-cooled vw fan I'm planing to build an online community and bring all vw fans together in my country. Looking forward to the Next Big Thing.
Hi, The name is Bryan, today I am getting ready for some family thats coming to visit. I have a couple chrisitan sites and another in the works. and cant wait to see what this next big thing is gonna be. Its always good to have a new toy to play with lol, thanks guys
I've been surveying these products for over 2 years...good luck indeed! We've been creating CMS for years. Looking forward also to NBT. Hope it's a winner.
Hi I'm Garol waiting the arrival of my next big thing! which, I hope will be a grandaughter in September, after 3 sons and 2 grandsons I think I deserve a baby girl in the family.
This is a blessing on you i guess,well as myslef i am just a webmaster would as well a big fan of all this related to computer(computer engineer as profession) .This day have no special plans but just messing around on the internet seeing what is new and enjoying the blessings of life. Hope you gues have a good day as well.

You guys are well blessed so sure you all will be even nmore blessed now as when you give you recieve double. Thanks man in advance.
This is a blessing on you i guess,well as myslef i am just a webmaster would as well a big fan of all this related to computer(computer engineer as profession) .This day have no special plans but just messing around on the internet seeing what is new and enjoying the blessings of life. Hope you gues have a good day as well.

You guys are well blessed so sure you all will be even nmore blessed now as when you give you recieve double. Thanks man in advance.
Hi. I am a musician. I will spend the day inputing data for the WENUS. Tonight I will make music.
I am a web developer and tester. I will probably spend the day working and watching the olympic opening ceremonies.
Im joe.. im developping a web community for my home people linvin around the world. the particularity of the community is that the language will be in our street language.
i would spend my day with my beautiful girl friend
Hi, I'm Tamer. I'm a webdesigner and developpers from Turkey.
I love like that numbers. I married in 07.07.07. :)

Such a pity, I must work today. Maybe outside tonight.
I like boonex promotion. I think "Next Big Thing." will be so much big thing.

P.S.: I click the "forget my password". But doesn't arrive reminder mail. So I join new user..
Hello unoboonex. I think it is a matter of course as a faithful member to be a part of the idea. I like to grow, my own website like to grow with Boonex in time.

I am Paul, I run several websites, and have used Boonex software on all of them. So I am sure the NBT is going to great.
I have been waiting for this day for a while now my daughter’s 1st birthday was on the 6th but we waited to celebrate it on the 8th mainly because of what the symbol 8 stands for, “unboundedness” or “without end” so I have viewed this day 08 08 08 as a day where whatever you “give” to others will live in infinity. So I thought this was the best and most fitting day to celebrate my daughter’s birthday because that is my love her 8.
My name is Zabrina. I am from Canada. Web designer and own a few sites. Love my Dolphin Projects and everything the community has to offer. Spending 8-8-08 cleaning my house. Looking forward to "The Next Big Thing".
I am Paul, I run several websites, and have used Boonex software on all of them. I am sure the NBT will be great, and I cant wait.
Hi, I am Kat a web developer and I am using dolphin in one of my sites. I didn't really notice anything significant about today, except for the Olympics starting. Anyway, I will be working today like all other days on my websites. Maybe today brings some luck. Looking forward to the NBT whatever it is, I am sure it will be something cool!
I am Microon webmaster and matchmaker here in San Diego, California. Looking forward to learning what the hubbub is about.
Ok, you've got my interest piqued enough that I'm going to share my plans for 8/8/08 with you all.

I'm headed to the Harley Davidson dealership to spend more of my hard earned money on some highway pegs and new handlebar grips - for my cobalt blue 07 Dyna Super Glide Custom.

I need to get back to work here so I can afford the new toys. Everybody have a great 8th!
Happy 080808!!!

This is the most wonderful day! The birds are singing . . . There are rainbows all over the skies. What a great day. I got on the scale this morning and lost 5 lbs! I feel fantastic. I think I will buy a lotto ticket today. If I win the lotto . . I am going to give every one in the whole world a penny!

Happy 080808!
Hi, I'm jason and I live in Houston Texas. I run a small webhosting company as well as game hosting.
Today, I will be registering for classes for this semester and buying all the books I need for school :)
I hope the day goes smoothly.

I can't wait for the NBT!!!

Currently have no boonies site right now, but hope to have one soon!!
Hi Andrey,

My name is Damon, I am a Web design teacher for underprivileged youth here in the bay area for an organization called Youth Radio. My students and I have been using your product Dolpin actively for the last few months.

Today is an interesting day as I will be very busy working with my students, pitching some ideas over lunch, and paying some bills.

I'm not quite sure what the "NBT" is but im betting I will be able to use it as a tool for my class and the Youth Radio see more organization.
I'm Olivia from California. I'm spending the day in Las Vegas... let the luck begin.
hello everyone. I tried very hard to read as many responses as I could, but I got exhausted :) I've been creating a local social networking site for quite some time now (um.. still in development). Anyway, I look forward to contributing to my immediate community.

Today? well... I'm sure I'll be working on the site. Also plan to contact a local runaway shelter as I have it in my head that I might like to volunteer there. I hope it goes over well.

Good luck to you and to boonex. Do you see more have an expected release for "the next big thing?" Take care.

Live in the Poland. Mine English not is amazing, but you will understand something from this maybe.
I spend 08.08.08 on cognition and configuration for my needs Your splendid Dolphina.
Hey I'm Sebastiaan and living in Belgium, not only in China is 8 a lucky number, but also where I live. I hope that 08/08/08 will be a lucky day for Boonex.
I am Mike from sunny California. I am trying to set up a Community website for expats so this would be a great opporutnity to get this program. I can't wait. Thank you.
Ok, something happened to my last post. Where did it go? Darn it!

Once again, I'm spending 8/8/08 working but gonna run to the Harley Dealer to buy some highway pegs and handlebar grips for my 07 Dyna Super Glide Custom.

Everybody have a great 8 day!
Hi my name is Naeem from Brooklyn, NY. I'm a web designer and developer. I've spent my morning reading about the olympics and all the issues that China is currently having. I hope they can get it together not just for the olympics but afterwards as well. Free Tibet!

I'm 45 y.o. and I'm runninig a few sites. I like the Boonex scripts and hope to test a new one ( "New! BIG! Thing!") asap. Sorry for my English.
08/08/08 Very cool almost missed it i'm so caught up in my work.
I bet singapore and China are humming right now with celibrations and such.
I am an executive in the renewable energy field, think wind,solar,hydrogen,biofuels etc...
I also built and run http://www.mattgoesgreen.com , its a renewable energy news portal where I cover trade shows and do interviews with renewable executives.
Hi Andrey,

This is Hasan from Turkey. I do freelance web work.
I was really looking for the "Next Best Thing" wow
can not wait code named 08.08.08 NBT license :)

it's been 197 days there is no NBT license in my account though I wonder that was a joke or something ?
hi!!! thank you very much!!!!!

Oops! I really meant to post a positive comment above. Sorry!
Hi, Im flavian... im a webdesigner/developer.... to be frank today day was very special for me coz i got what i wanted for past 1 month... other than that I spent my half day in Office working and had some funtime with my colleagues... other half day will be spent with my family and grab some beer with local friends...
Mabuhay!! I'm Romeo here from the Philippines. I'm site developer using dolphin and ray.
I spend 08-08-08 at my office and working at my websites. I also look forward for the NBT. Hope it will have a lot of features.
Good morning all together,

I am Siggi and my day starts very early. Today is 08/08/08
like every day it starts to give us the coffee to boil and with our dogs out to go.
I see it Regnet and hope that on this day the 08/08/08 the sun, so as I always do good laune.

Let us hope that not all of them.

Until then, a beautiful day by myself, to all!
I'm James, Freelance student web designer. I will be spending the day on Facebook while at work and watching the Olympics opening ceremony.
Looking forward to the NBT!!
Mathias from Germany here,
here today everyone marries some random person just to say they married on 08.08.08 - okay at least it seems so for me. So take your chance to do something you always wanted to do. And if you do something good, it will be twice as good for sure....
Hi, I'm a very very busy webmaster from Poland :) I'm spending 08-08-08 working hard, lol. I'm looking forward to the NBT, yeah.
Having been born on 6-6-66, I can appreciate the specialness of this date for you. It's the sort of date people never forget! I will be spending my day as usual looking for the next big thing on the internet that will help me grow. Way to go Boonex! Enjoy this day!
My name is Will and I'm going to spend 08-08-08 finding 8 different things to do today every 8 hours. Can't wait for the NBT, hope it comes out ASAP because IMHO it will be OMG!
I am Chris. Just a normal God fearing man. I will be spending my last day of the summer with my 2 sons, who have to return to their mother today. :-( Looking forward to the "Next Big Thing".....
on 8.8.8. I will be flying to Boston a lil early to visit Affiliate Summit East.

I am a full time internet marketer.

I can't wait to see what you have in store for me with your new software.
i am tom from germany and i spent the day working on my community and shopping for sick daughter. now i start thinking about the time difference between australia and germany ;-) am i too late? will the eight be lucky for me? any way dolphin is great it gives you something to do all the time ;-)
Love to see the diversity of posts from all over the world! I'm Jay and my two favorite hobbies are beekeeping and working on the web. So, for 8-8-08 I plan to finish my work day, go home and see if 8-8-08 brings luck when I check the bee hives for honey and then spend the evening working on my latest website. I use BoonEx products on many sites and love your work. Can't wait to see the NBT!

my name is Michael I am from Berlin. I am a student of economics but today I have to work in one of the coolest clubs of berlin. I am a bartender there...
Hi, I am Ralph. Next big, great, wonder deal for today.
I am flash dev and full of nice smile for all of you.
Today I am light up because of 8 reasons:
* my fiancée,
* my business project,
* my cat (she got the name today- Zuza),
* again I can talk to the God,
* again I am not sad,
* my new book,
* (my own reason)
8 * I have another great idea to implement Dolphin
Welcome to my world!

How I Got My Nic Name Intro:

My Real Life Nic Name is Uncle Beef:

My Nic Name came to me from a very special person. Long Story short: I met my wife 32 years ago... after we where marred her sister had a baby girl. This was the first new born baby I had ever held in my life. I Nic Named her "Babe Doll" Cuz she looked like a little Doll...etc. When she (BabeDoll) was about 12 or so we lived next to a couple that had a little boy about 3. He thought people was see more calling me Beef. So from that time on I have Been Uncle Beef. Everyone Calls me Uncle Beef or just Beef... You can too.
didn't notice the date until just now...
John Morris. I'm a professional web designer. I'll spend 08.08.08 working with the wonderful software you've created. I'm excited to see what you guys have in the works.

Thanks for all your hard work!!

My today oneself calm down, I had a lot of work by bad administration departments with RSA keys on one of servers (complete mess), next moment of relaxing while watching the movie and I am here. There were also many eights in my life - in my date of birth (08.05.1974), in the date of the marriage ceremony (26.08.1998) and in the date of having a daughter which was born into my birthday (08.05.2000) and so it is possible to say that every date around eight - is lucky for me:)
What a cool idea! I'm spending 08/08/08 laying in the sun before I get ready to go to a nice wine tasting dinner tonight.
I'm from the USA and I'll be watching the Olympics on 888 and waiting for the next big thing. Hope both are good.
Hi, I'm Peter and today on the 08.08.08 I finnaly recived a nice email. Great news!
I am Eric.. I don't really like Boonex products, but hopefully I will like this one. :) I will be spending my day at work creating custom PHP applications, and then flying to Indiana for the weekend...hopefully sitting next to a hot girl on the plane.
8-8-8 yaaaa! Looking FWD to the NBT!
Hi, I am raul from madrid Spain. I am webmaster, and programmer...

Nices 8´s for all
I run a site for my group called Pet Chickens of Texas and use Boonex to help my members keep in touch. Today will probably be a mix of checking up on things online and doing housework (oh the joy).
I am Lukasz from Poland ! I have started my summer holiday today and I am going to spend them with my family within next two weeks. In the meantime I will be working with boonex products, because they are great ! I came accros on boonex unity almost year ago and I would say products are funtastic ! ciao !
I've been carefully following the BoonEx project for nearly 3 years now... I can't wait to see what NBT is all about. 08-08-08 drinking coffee and working on a few new ideas to take to the market! Cheers, Jason
Hi! have not so many experience with Boonex products, just started to discover them. But I have the great idea for the new social project and I would like to build it on Dolphin. In the nearest future I will need your help!
8-8-08 means for me to go out first time after many many weeks :)
08/08/08 is a special day for me. Because I spent the whole night to watch Olynamic openning at home. I live in Hong Kong and very proud that China is ready for this international event. And the openning is amazing.
My name is Brandon and on this 08-08-08 I will finally be able to get some rest as it will be the first day off I've had in three weeks.
Andrey, what a great products you have! I've been enjoying your products for a while. Thank you very much for your work.

Michael - Software Developer, Silicon Valley, California
Hello my name is sandy, today is a very special day for me..it is my late fathers birthday and the day i selected to start building my dream, jumpswitchmedia.com

what is the story behind the 8..sign for infinity..also is the numbers 6 and 9 put together.
Hi there Makenoiz here ( yes, my screen name). Web Developer from Southern California. Looking forward to the NBT! I have several clients Boonex site and love working (and playing) with your software. Happy 8 cubed!
Mabuhay!! I'm Romeo here from the Philippines. I'm site developer using dolphin and ray.
I spend 08-08-08 at my office and working at my websites. I also look forward for the NBT. Hope it will have a lot of features.
InstantMALE, Lets see the next big thing.....I hope its a Shark!
Hello, I am an internet marketing coach and am spending the day working and playing with boonex a recent but growing pasion coupled with my love of linux, its a fine day
What a wonderful idea. Being a web designer, we've been called upon to create several dating and social type web sites and we find the Boonex suite of applications to be perfect for this. And as you can imagine, I'm spending the day coding. Coding, coffee and a solid internet connection and I'm in heaven.

Thanks, Andrey, for this great promotion. And, needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, I'm anxious to take the Next Big Thing for a test drive.
I am a web developer. I am trying to put together a social network site for ex-pats. This woudl be a great opportunity to try it out. Thank you.
Watkins here. 08-08-08 will be spent working on a new boonex site.
Hi mates, Steven from Brooklyn here. I knew something spectacular was going to happen today when I saw the 08-08-08. Well, at least someone will enjoy it. Cheers and I wish you swimmingly success.
080808 is my return date from a yacht tour :( . I was in bodrum, gokova bay. I'm a webmaster and newbie search engine optimizer from Turkey.
I am Jody spendin my day 08.08.08 working on websites and doing some internet marketing.. Looking forward to Next Big Thing good catchy email too.. out of the hundreds i get u caught my eye with the "Eight is not a simple number..."
I'm Mike and I wonder how big this NBT really is. I'm spending today working at home. Yay, and so can we get more free licenses next year when its 09-09-09? lol
Hi i'm Johan, Sweden i design webpages in php and more.
I like the Boonex styff, easy to set up and lots of funktions to start with.
This day i am taking my girlfriend to the cinema.
Well I hope today was a good one.

I'm a roaming IT consultant, website maker etc. Today though is errand day: laundry, shopping, etc. Exciting eh? lol.
I'm Michel, from Switzerland... using Dolphin since version 5.6

Today 08.08.08 is a bad day coz the Dolphin/Orca footer is back at the bottom of my ad-free site pages even if my license if unlimited :-((
Dolphin/Orca footer add are gone by them selves ??? This is OK again :-) 08.08.08 is a good day :-)
Free Tibet !
Just checking out the 888 thread....look forward to seeing the next big thing!
Hi! I'm Karol from Poland. Today I drink one good bear , and watch Chinese TV (;
hey all!!!
just saying hello and im going to karate class today
yesterday i got my yellow belt so i am progressing slowly
i am a webdesigner who freelance in new york city

and i went out shopping this morning with mom
she is ill and has been in the hospital for 3 months
Hello everyone, I'm Konrad and 08.08 is a very significant date for me because it's my son's birthday. He's 22 now and although I won;t be spending the day with him, I'll be preparing for the Opening Ceremonies party that we're having tonight. I'm very happy with Dolphin and I'm looking forward to the the capabilities and features of the NBT

it's nice idea .. thanks andrey

I'm Rawaf From Syria .. I'm webdesigner and developpers in php ..

study in university (economy college) ..

I have network community website ..By Dolphin script ..

08/08/2008 is nice day and I wish happy times for all in this day ...

and I wish successful day for boonex team .. I will be wait NBT :)

Best regards
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.