In reply to Points System
"05.05.2010 - Sorry, I have overlooked this again. I will put it on the schedule for tonight."

This was the outcast, last contact (after many - believe me!) Asking for the due support after conflicts created after the installation of your modules, made by him!

Unfortunately he was not able to reply to my calls. My site was completely impractical, and again needed to spend financial resources, human and even emocinal for any dolphin was reinstalled.

I waited over a month to write see more this comment, but I just do that right now.

Do not trust him! Apparently has great modules, but it's pointless to not work and is unable to give proper support.

Unfortunately, I declare that I have had bad experience with it. That goes against my experience with the Dolphin community I have always been wonderful.

I would not recommend, and more, to warn everyone to take these considerations into account!

Este foi o útlimo contato (depois de muitos - acreditem!) pedindo o devido suporte após conflitos gerados após a instalação de seus módulos, feitos por ele!

Infelizmente ele não foi capaz de respoder aos meus apelos. O meu site ficou completamente inviável e, precisei novamente gastar recursos financeiros, humano e até emocinal para que todo o dolphin fosse reinstalado.

Eu aguardei mais de um mês para escrever este comentário, mas acho justo neste instante fazer isso.

Não confiem nele! Aparentemente apresenta ótimos módulos, mas de nada adianta se não funcionam e se não é capaz de dar o devido suporte.

Infelizmente, tenho de declarar que tive péssima experiência com ele. Isso contraria minha experiência com a comunidade Dolphin que sempre me foi maravilhosa.

Não o recomendo e, mais, alerto à todos para que levem essas considerações em conta!
While there have been some delays in the past, Modzz always ended up addressing and resolving the issue, and has compensated very fairly when appropriate. I've been on him in the past when things were delayed, but to his credit when he finally addressed, it was thorough and completely fixed.

After Dolphin 7.2 was launched, he went out of his way to update several mods for me prior to market release, and any custom requests have been done exactly as asked with very fair pricing.

I've jumped see more on Modzz prior but feel I should be fair and give credit when due. The worst issue you'll have is minor delays, but the modules ways work exactly as described and are very reasonably priced.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.