Visiting the demo site , the weather locator missed my location by 155 miles, missed my time by 4 hours and 22 minutes, missed my temperature by 49 degrees, and missed both the sunrise and sunset time by 6 hours. It also missed humidity by 31% .... I downloaded and tried it on my website and it only missed the time by 28 minutes, and missed the temperature by 4 degrees, but it still missed sunrise and sunset by 5 hours each, and missed the humidity by 42%, although it had to be spot on for location see more because it had Earth for location... no matter where you are you'd be right if you guessed Earth for location, I'd say. I didn't give you a negative on this because you just can't complain if something is free-- whether it works or not; it shows you tried to do a favor. Actually it wasn't a complaint rather than a feed back on the mod. It just doesn't work, but thanks for the effort!
Thank you for the review. The module uses the open weather map (owp) api with the locations from the GEO Locator. If the GEO Locator points to the correct location, it's the owp database that is inaccurate.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.