modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.6

Added: 09.12.11

Updated: 22.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, tutorial, lesson, article, instructions, faq, help, modzzz, knowledge

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This mod creates a section on your site that functions as a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others.

See sample list of features below :


When creating an Tutorial, there is the ability to publish the Tutorial on the site immediately or choose a later date for publishing. If Tutorial is scheduled to be published at a later date, it will be saved as a Draft and then automatically becomes Active when the publish date is reached.


Members have the ability to print Tutorials that they are interested in.


Block on the home page to display Tutorials, with ability to filter by Featured, Recent, Top, Popular


Block on the profile page to display Member's Tutorials


Ability of Admin to restrict viewing access per Tutorial based on Membership Level.


Forum section is integrated to allow the members to entertain discussions about tutorials. Each tutorial has it's dedicated forum area.


Search functionality to allow searching by Keyword and Categories


Members can upload Photos, Videos, Files, Sounds with their Tutorial

Members can also embed Videos (useful functionality for saving Server space)


Members can Rate Tutorials ... The member submitting the tutorial can turn on/off this feature

Members can Comment on Tutorials ... The member submitting the tutorial can turn on/off this feature


Members can Share Tutorials

Members can choose who can access an Tutorial (friends only, everyone etc)


Admin can create and manage Tutorials Categories

Admin can allow automatic approval, otherwise admin has to approve all new Tutorials.

Admin can set Tutorials as Featured.

Admin can Post-Moderate Tutorials.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Awesome Mod!! Installed in a few short seconds with no trouble at all, as usual with a Modzzz mod!

There are so many uses for this mod from an educational point of view!

Thanks for your great ideas and your hard work!!

Five stars across the board!
Awesome Mod!
Modzzz consistently brings more to the table.
This particular mod is one that I have been waiting for. I needed something that would make it easy for members to pose questions and answers with video....educational collaboration....asked Modzzz what could be done....he pops out with Tutorials.
You gotta love it when a developer listens to feedback and takes action. Installation is super-simple and as usual it works with Modzzz's awesome Points System as well.
Great Work...Thanks see more Modzzz!
Well I have been here watching Dolphins development for at least 5 years now and I have seen people come and go. I still consider myself a newbie lol because there is so much to learn about dolphin. Ok enough about me, I’m writing this review because I truly believe that Dolphin would have nowhere near the popularity it has, if it was not for the awesome work of Modzzz. I’ve recently purchase 11 mods including this one and so far all 11 work flawlessly. A creative, prolific, and programing see more genius. He is truly the one. Thanks for everything Jerome.
I just wanted to give some feedback on this mod but mostly to the author himself. The product is exactly how it is described and is fantastic. The installation was very simple and Modzzz was right there answering my questions as I had them. I'm really not sure he ever sleeps because my questions were answered promptly anytime of the day. Thank you so much for your services, you are an asset to this community.
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