modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.1

Added: 15.12.14

Updated: 05.10.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, travel, location, itinerary, trip, business, vacation, place, modzzz

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This is not a Travel Agency Module, if you need a Travel Agency type of module, you can check out the Lodgings (Places to Stay) module.

This is a Travel and Lifestyle social networking tool designed for members to meet others and keep friends and family informed of their whereabouts and activities.

Those members who are not traveling can connect with persons coming to their town. These connections can be for social or business purposes. This is a good tool for facilitating networking.

Posting a Travel Listing

-> Member will provide details of the intended Travel including Location being traveled to, Contact details (optional), Starting and End Dates.
-> Member indicates whether or not they are willing to meet others.
-> Member sets criteria for others they would like to meet while Traveling.
-> Travel listing can be posted as a recurring listing (travel will take place periodically).
-> Travel listing can be posted as a draft and configured to be published at a later date.

Travel Tips

-> Travelers can benefit from local members who can share their knowledge of the area in the form of Tips.

-> For example, if a member is traveling to a particular city, other persons familiar with the city can make suggestions such as; the best places to stay, the best places to eat etc.

Travel Itinerary

For a particular Travel schedule, a member may have several different activities planned. They can optionally list details of each activity they will be undertaking during the travel period.

Traveling Today

Members can quickly browse for others with Travel plans today.

Coming Near Me

Members can quickly browse for others who will be Traveling near to them in the recent future.

Meeting Criteria

Specify who they want to meet during their Trip . The filter can be done by :

-> Gender
-> Age
-> Language Spoken

Meeting Arrangement

-> Members who are interested in meeting the Traveler can send a Meet request.

-> The Traveler reviews each request that is sent and accept or reject the offer.

-> All the accepted meeting requests are displayed on the Travel listing page. However, members can choose to keep their requests private.

Local Members

For each Travel listing, it is possible to see members at the destination presently.

For each Travel listing, it is also possible to see members who are planning to travel to the destination.

Recurring Travels

Members can setup their travel schedule to be recurring and the Travel listing will automatically update to reflect this schedule. Parameters that can be configured are - the recurrence cycle (weekly, monthly etc.) and the number of recurrences.

Sample Use Cases

-> Talent Scouts could use this tool to announce their plans to travel to a particular location to seek out new talent. Potential candidates could register to meet them upon their arrival.

-> Religious Leaders could use this tool to indicate their intention to visit a particular location during a specific period. Their followers could be kept up to date based on their Itinerary.

-> An Entertainer could use this tool to broadcast their tour schedule and setup an Itinerary indicating the various venues (and times) they will be performing.

-> This could also be used as a Dating tool where persons traveling on vacation etc. seek to meet others during their stay.

-> Many other scenarios are possible ....

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Some Minor issues but Modzzz solved them quickly
Smooth as silk and perfect for my website :-)

Thank you so much.
I'm buying mods from Modzzz since many years. He is extreme friendly and helpful.

A real developer who also upgrade his mods with the new Dolphin versions :-)
Hello, my host says they cannot install this mod as it is for versions 7.1 and 7.2, and i am using 7.3. please assist if there is a way around this
Installed module and site is down error Database Querry Error
You most likely forgot to run the sqlstates.php as stated in the readme.txt. If you still have an issue send me a PM with site details so that I can further assist. In the future, please use either the support forum or support email for issues such as this so that the developer will be notified. If you post in the feedback section, we are not notified and therefore your issue may go unnoticed.
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