AndrewPPopular  1027 (98.8%)

Timeline for Groups


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.3.0

Added: 01.02.13

Updated: 11.03.16

Category: Social

Tags: extensions, andrew soft, groups, timeline, dolphin 7.1, wall, pages, outline, newsline

Demo:  username - free to join,password - free to join

Support Forum:

License: CC-BY v3 + One per domain

Technical Checklist...

Due to numerous requests I present new modules - Timeline for Groups (and Pages)

This module is a 'clone' of standard Timeline module (by boonex), but for a different reason - this is Timeline for groups (rather than personal Timeline for profiles).
You can choose, who can post into Timeline (group admins, fans, ordinary member, or even visitors). By default, only admins and fans can post here.

We can see next events in timeline for groups:
* if someone joined group
* if someone added a comment
* if group admin updated group details
* if someone posted a timeline comment, link or media content

Pay attention, that the module is ready to use in any responsive template (check the third photo to see how it looks at iPhone)

You can keep all three modules installed (Boonex Timeline, Timeline for Groups and Timeline for Pages) in the same time - this is safe.

This is the video demonstration of this module

Update: This product contains one extra module 'Timeline for Pages' (which is originally made by houstonlively).
Read relative topic here:
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easy Installation, good modul. thank you :-)
Andrew has gone above and beyond when it comes to providing excellent modules that really enhance the use of default modules in Dolphin. I have been extremely pleased with his participation in integrating his current 'group' type modules with the Pages module offered by HoustonLively. If your are looking for a great addition to Groups or Pages module, then this is a definite must have. Thank you Andrew!!
Nice provider, we work with andrew , because we know we 'll always have entire satisfaction with him. His mods are interesting and they work perfectly for our website!
Module install was easy and is a nice add-in to the groups module.

Thank you
Let me tell you, Andrew is an exceptional programmer. The product definitely works well to communicate to each group. With all his modules, install is simple. So based on Groups or pages or both, the features that he has been able to provide are unmatched in any online group program. Thumbs up and TY
as always great
but the support is recommended
with initial problems have been solved but thanks
When I post a photo on the Group Timeline, this module creates a photo album on user's profile with public access. This means that everybody will see the post on Home page. For private groups this implementation is not good because the reason of the private group is to keep all that way.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.