sandklockNew  34 (77.4%)

Social Posting for Dolphin 7.4 ( Powered by SocialAll)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 7.4.0

Added: 13.03.15

Updated: 29.09.20

Category: Social

Tags: dolphin 7.1, facebook, social, publish, posting, sharing, twitter, linkedin, tumblr, modifications

Demo:  username - N/A,password - N/A

License:  This is a commercial product made by SandKlock. It cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from SandKlock.

Technical Checklist...


Upgraded to 7.4.0: Upgraded for Dolphin 7.4.x

Upgraded to 7.1.1: Supported Facebook

Are you looking for a tool that can promote your website on Social Network such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.?

Social Posting is a safe, faster and easier way to post users’ activities and update users’ statuses from your website to Wall of Social Networks such as Twitter, Google+, Tumblr, etc. 6 providers are supported. With Social Posting, your website will become more popular to potential users who join Social Networks.

Key Features

• Supported 20+ networks: Facebook,, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr, Plurk, Mail.Ru...
• Provide statistic post by user and by date
• Publish users’ activities from your website to Social Networks
• Allow user to edit their post before posting to Social Networks
• Permission to connect to/disconnect from Social Network

Front End

• Users can post their activities and update their statuses to Social Networks when they do something new on your website.
• Users can edit message that will appear on their Social Network Walls.
• Connect to Network: view and edit status of connections: Connect / Disconnect.
• Users can set on which Social Networks they will post new feed.
• Network Setting: allow users to set which modules will be posted on Wall of Social Networks.
• User can choose to automatically post status next time and/or don’t ask them again before posting, for each module as well as all modules.

Back End

• Activity management: Enable/ Disable modules to be posted on Wall of Social Networks.
• Edit subject and content of message when user sign up.
• App ID.
• Secret Key.

SocialAll Pricing

  • Start with our ONE MONTH FREE trial. No credit card required. After trial period has exprired, you will go with Premium plan for just 10$/month

  • Details Social All Pricing

How to install Social Posting

  1. Unzip the zip file.

  2. In `/modules/` directory, create a new directory with the name "sandklock" if not exists.

  3. Upload the unzipped folder into `/modules/sandklock/` directory.

  4. Go to Administration page, click "Modules" in the left menu of page ---> click "Add & Manage".

  5. In "Not installed modules" block, select Social Posting (with orange text) and click "Install" button.

  6. After successful installation, you can see Social Posting added to the "Modules" menu. Click on it for settings.

How to create applications at SocialAll:

  1. Create an account at SocialAll.
    1. Point the mouse to Sign In button at the top menu, then click Sign up.

    2. Fill your Email and Password, and click Sign up button.

    3. You will receive an Account Confirmation email. Follow the instructions in the email to activate your account.

  2. If you have registered an account at SocialAll yet, please sign in.

  3. After signing in, you can follow the steps below to create an application:
    1. Point the mouse to your account at the right of the top menu and select Applications.

    2. In Apps page, click Create Application button.

    3. Fill Domain - name of your application. Then, click Create button.

  4. After having created application, go to Application Info tab. You will see App ID and Secret Key, copy them to your SocialAll API Settings.
    1. In menu Modules at your Dolphin admin site, select SocialAll API Settings.

    2. Paste App ID and Secret Key and click Save button.

How to config networks in SocialAll:

  1. Login to SocialAll, then go to your “Applications”.

  2. Click on the application you want to configure, select Networks tab.

  3. You can skip configuration step if you are using our public app configuration, or you can configure your own social network applications by selecting a network, click How to get (network) settings and follow the instruction to configure for the network.

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Please login to post a comment.
When I bought this module from sandklock and it's not the first one, I saw some problem in the installation (my template and other module destrub the installation) I was impressed by the good support.
It's a verry good tool
I would like to add that this module should be with the social login module , wth this 2 module we can get a complet service, I hope that Sandkloock can understand us and add the login in the next updat with this module.
And I have to tell you honestly that the social activities see more for my website are changed and I receive more user friends ( my users prompt the site for free and propaged fastly)
Thanks for your review, we are working on the update for this module. It will come to you asap :D
Awesome module to have. Easy to install and work great with 7.1.5!
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