AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Social Inviter


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.3

Added: 28.05.15

Updated: 31.07.20

Category: Communication

Tags: facebook, twitter, invite, inviter, commission, aqb soft, promote, ads, affiliate, referral

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft. This notice may not be removed from the source code.

Technical Checklist...

It is great tool for Dolphin which allows members to promote your site, find and invite people they likely know within two most famous social networks (Facebook and Twitter). Every member has possibility to send private messages, post new feeds, share your site’s links, tweets to his/her friends, see friends and followers lists without leaving your site.

If any of our Affiliate\Referral Systems (Affiliate\Referrals System, Forced Matrix for Affiliate\Referrals System, Forced Matrix for Affiliate\Referrals System 2.0) already installed on your site, this module may work as additional motivation for members, because they may get commission for every invited person and can get commission for every friend's upgrade up to any paid membership level, thus it is additional incentive for every member to send message to a friend and invite more members on the site.

If you have our Points System, additionally you may use points as commission.



  • Members can search for a certain friend or users groups and send private messages to them using Send social plugin.

  • Members can post feeds about your site with their comments on their wall using Feed social plugin.

  • Members can share link with their facebook friends using Share social plugin.


  • Send private messages to a followers and friends (if their settings allow it) and tweet to any member.

  • Members can filter friends by lists (friends and followers).

  • Members can change the friends amount in inviter block on account page.

  • If invitation has been already sent to any of twitter friends, this member will have red title about it at the top of send message window.

  • Search twitter's members by different criteria.

  • Filter members by send and not sent lists.

Administration features:

  • To enable any of social networks, administration of the site need to add Api Keys for them.

  • Administration can allow to use social inviter module with affiliate system (enabled by default). In this case members' referral links will be send to their twitter and facebook friends.

  • Administration can set the default number of members which must be displayed in members block by default.

  • In facebook part, administration can set link to the picture which will be used in message posted on facebook wall as feed (by default option is empty and link to the logo of the site is used) and also set title and message for the feed.

  • There is also additional option for vendors who have one of our Affiliate\Referrals systems. It allows to select membership level for calculation commission info. This info is shown in account page's block for members as example of benefits which they can get for their activities.

If you already have any facebook application installed and some of your members already connected to it, you may use its App Key for social inviter.

Additional features if you have our Global Points System.

You will be able to set points for two new members' actions:

1) Invitation was sent – admin will be able to set number of points which member can get if send invitation to a friend.

2) Invited friend has been successfully joined! – admin can set number of points which member can get if invited friend joins.

Install NOW and Enjoy it!

Limited Offer: First 5 people who leave a comment to this module will get discount 20% on the next purchase from our store.
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Support Forum Feed
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Well Anton what can I say my friend. Your service, support & friendship are not easily found. Your mods are the best and your updates are the fastest of all. Integration of your mods with other mods like this one with the Forced Matrix Mod etc. is an added benefit that enhances the function of the mod even further. Thanks for you hard work and great creative mods. Keep it up. God bless.
Thank you! We appreciate your feedback very much.
Works as advertised! Great addition to my website.
Social Inviter is quite useful add, now users of affiliate/referrals system can send offers to all they friends in social nets by one shot.
A definitive nice and clean working mod and as always excellent support :-)

Thank you :-)
You are welcome and thank you for the review!
Very good module. Great addition to the site for adding friends.
Thank you for the review!
With this module your community grows very fast. It is essential.
The technical service is outstanding, fast and efficient. Congratulations
Thank you for the review!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.