bsetecEstablished  133 (99.8%)

Smart Group : Responsive layout integrated with Bootstrap


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.0

Added: 30.04.13

Updated: 20.08.16

Category: Template

Tags: dolphin 7.1, dolphin 7.3

Demo:  username - bsetec,password - bsetec123

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License: GPL

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The Free Smartgroup Dolphin template can be the right portal to sum up all the events in your smart group. Responsive layout style is designed to make you enjoy the site without the hassles of scrolling and zooming. Take advantage of this simple yet impressive template functionality to build an incredible social platform.
HTML5 & CSS3 gives the ultimate consistent look to the smartgroup theme. Smart and sharp homepage with alluring Google web font will invite thousands of members

Theme Features:

Responsive layout
Layered PSD
Html5 & CSS3 Code
Template files were re-coded using grid Bootstrap principles
Google Web font
Back to top button
FlexNav and TinyNav Menu
Well Documented
To avail free installation, please email to

To download More Free Dolphin Templates, please go to this link
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nice. thanks for giving it free.
Thank you very much for your appreciation :)
I dont know how BSTEC turned to Boonex community, but they did REVOLUTION in Dolphin desighn ! Cheers !!! And Thanks for it !
Thank you very much for your appreciation, it really motivates us to do more.
Excellent theme. One remark, however: guys, please update the versions of Bootstrap and flexnav you're using.
They are outdated and buggy. For example, lightbox/fancybox don't work with bootstrap ver.2.3.0. Upgrading to 2.3.2 solves the problem.
Thank you for your suggestion. we have updated the bootstrap version from ver.2.3.0 to ver2.3.2 for our templates
I haven't tested it yet, but sure it was a dream suggestions weeks ago. Having 20% mobile users and rising it will be welcome by the communities everywhere around the world
Thank you very much , we need your support
Thanks for the theme!! Awesome work and for free!!
Thank you very much for your appreciation, it really motivates us to do more.
There is a small .css error in Smart Group (or was.. they may now have changed it.)
Its the thumb frame cut off in extended mode.. to fix, add the following line:
in tmpl_smartgroup\css\custom.css
width: 74px; <---- This is the line to add!

Ok! These guys are offering this splendid responsive theme for FREE. And then give a one day turn-around to support it! Who DOES that?! Almost none does that!
So Bsetec? I will be watching your items.. and see more when you offer something I need, I wont think twice about getting it! Your willingness to support even a 'free' template, and so quick, at that, is remarkable!
Thank you!! :)
Fantastic template !!!.

Thank you for sharing with the community.

I will closely follow all your products.

Best regards
Thank you very much for your appreciation :) Please stay tuned for more updates..
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.