sandklockNew  34 (77.4%)

Scroll To Top


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 7.1.3

Added: 01.04.13

Updated: 12.08.14

Category: Navigation

Tags: extensions, dolphin 7.1, integrations

Demo:  username - N/A,password - N/A

Support Forum:

License:  This is a commercial product made by SandKlock. It cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from SandKlock.

Technical Checklist...


Updated to 7.1.3 for compatible with latest version of Dolphin (7.1.4)

Scroll To Top allows you to quickly go back to the top of any page in Dolphin
Once you scroll down enough on a page, the button will appear and you can jump up with nice animation.


  • Tiny and easy to use but it's must have for your site

  • Seamlessly install “Scroll to Top” module with one click installation.

  • Can customize very detail style of scrolling on the fly

Back – End

  • Admin can enable/disable this feature without uninstall the module

  • Admin can change all settings:

    • Time to scroll back to top

    • When to show Scroll to Top button when page is scrolled down.

    • Time to fade in / fade out Scroll to Top button

    • Customize placement of Scroll to Top button.

    • Chose a variety of available styles button

  • Admin can customize scrolling on the fly with several options:

    • Size

    • Image

    • Border style

    • Border width

    • Border color

    • Border radius

    • Background color

    • ... want more??? contact us ^^

  • Multi-Language Supported

Recommended by
Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
Hi everybody,

Today, we updated the module for compatible with older versions of Dolphin (7.0.0-7.0.9).

Great addition to any site

My feedback:-
Concept: *****
Core Improvement *****
Easy to use: *****
Installation: *****
Installation time: 3 minutes
Does what it says: *****

Presales Advice:: *****
Seller Pre sales Response: *****
Seller Presales Response time: *****
Aftersales Support : *****
Seller Aftesales Response: *****
Seller Aftersales Response time: *****

Will I continue to use this product? Yes
Would I recommend this product to others? Yes
Would see more I purchase from this seller again? Yes
Follow up Support: *****
Customer Care: *****
Overall: *****
Hello Eva1,

Thank you so much :)

Doesn't work, followed directions attached with it and no go.. Very Disappointed.
Hello MrPaul,

Sorry about this inconvenience.
Can you give me any information why it didn't work? You can't install it, the scroll button disappears or anything else?

P/S: please send me a pm when you have any problem with our module. You have 1 month support from purchase date ;)

Best regards,
Nice & simple module. Very useful mod. If there's any improvements, I'd add in the ability to upload new icons.
Bought this on 23.09.17. It never works. No Support. No answer.
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