AndrewPPopular  1027 (98.8%)

Scheduler v2 module


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.4.0

Added: 23.02.12

Updated: 23.11.19

Category: Calendars

Tags: extensions, scheduler, calendar, personal events, andrew soft, events

Demo:  username - demouser,password - demouser

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AndrewP. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AndrewP.

Technical Checklist...

Are you a business person? Do you live on your own Schedule? Do you have problems to manage your Schedule? Can’t find a good solution for managing schedule?

Then this Module is for you.

Most people live life on their Schedule, but to keep all information in your mind is very difficult. It’s also very difficult to find a good solution to manage the Schedule. The existing Schedulers are not satisfying all your needs and you can’t keep it always with you.

I would like to introduce a new great Scheduler module.
This product is a deep integration of wdCalendar ( with dolphin (as pure module of course).

This is new user-friendly module for your website members. It gives a possibility to have your own calendar of events (scheduler).
Every member has own scheduler, and they may add multiple events and appointments into their calendars.
This module uses ajax technology to navigate inside the module.
This is the important module for every business man.

Key Features:

* Three view modes (day / week / month)
* Custom colors for events
* Fast ajaxy navigation
* All-day event property
* You can migrate your old events from the Scheduler#1 into the Scheduler#2
* You can add your custom events from Boonex Events module into your schedule ('Add to my events' button)
* You can mark events as 'hidden events' (visible only to you)
* Email notification about upcoming events
* Possibility to migrate the old events from Boonex Events module

New features (v 2.1.1):

* privacy setting (scheduler visibility) on profile edit page
* functional for a friend's invitation into events:
- they get a notification by email to alert them that they were added to an appointment
- approve/deny possibility for invited friends
* possibility to turn to 12-hour format (for the main time grid)
* mini-calendar (with upcoming events) on your profile page
* admin panel (settings and categories manager)

This module is compatible with Dolphin 7.4.x (any subversion) !
Free installation is included !

If you have some questions feel free to ask.
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