AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Saved Search


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.1

Added: 10.10.13

Updated: 24.09.15

Category: Search

Tags: extensions, dolphin 7.1, aqb soft, save, search, notify, notification, daily, mail

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows your members to save their search preferences on a People Search page. A Saved Search can then be opened via a single click on its name, thus avoiding selecting search criteria each time to see new profiles.

Additionally the module makes optional daily notifications for all saved searches. These notifications contain new profiles registered for the past 24 hours that meet the criteria of a saved search. So members can just set up a search criteria for the type of profiles they’re interested in and receive email notifications about the new profiles on the same day they register.
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A must have for dateingsites!
And great support!
This is a great module for members who always use the same searches in their local areas, they no longer have to repeat their search efforts when this module saves it for them. This mod adds more depth to anyone's site.
A little extra that makes the difference, very good idea, essential for a dating site.
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