RayzTop  3876 (94.4%)

RMS Free Whiteboard


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.2

Added: 13.04.13

Updated: 26.12.13

Category: Multimedia

Tags: dolphin 7.1, flash, extensions, board, draw, image, whiteboard, media

Demo: http://dolphinforever.ru/m/rzboard/home/  username - test,password - tester

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Rayz expert and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Rayz expert.

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Attention!!! You can get 2 my products (this one and any other from my store) for free if you will buy hostforweb hosting for 3 months at least following my referral link here. By the way it's a perfect hosting for Dolphin software.

Alternative to Boonex standard Whiteboard. Looks and works the same way except this Whiteboard doesn't need RMS to provide full functionality - possibility to edit and watch the board changes in real time.
That allows to save much money on RMS bandwidth.

Save much $ buying my ultimate anti-RMS package containig this product and others providing audio/video capabilities without using RMS. Learn more here

P.S. All users can see each other. If the user accepts NetGroup confirmation (and no firewall blocking UDP data), then he will be able to use audio/video features. Otherwise he will use just text chatting with others.

P.P.S. You can get this product even cheaper. Learn more at 10 products per $10 or 5 products per $10.
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Great product and service
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