modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.6

Added: 05.03.13

Updated: 10.08.22

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, restaurant, food, eatery, menu, recipe, drinks, business, modzzz

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This mod facilitates the listing of Restaurants and Eating places.



This is an optional feature that allows your site to charge fees for listings.

Packages - Admin can create different packages with different benefits. The variables are :
a) Allow Videos
b) Allow Photos
c) Allow Sounds
d) Allow Files
e) Number of Days a Listing will show for

Possibility to have both Free and Paid Packages. In addition to paid Packages, Admin can create Promotional Packages that allows the posting of Free listings for a specific length of time.

Invoices - View page to list all outstanding Invoices

Orders - View page to list all Orders

Reminders - Admin can configure the module to send reminders to a listing owner a preset number of days before the listing expires and/or a preset number of days after the listing expires.

Promotional Free Listings - Admin has the ability to create promotional Packages that allows the Free listing of Restaurants for a specified length of time.


At any time BEFORE a Listing expires, the owner can choose to extend the length of time it is listed for

At any time AFTER a Listing expires, the owner can choose to RE-LIST the listing. This is very convenient as it prevents the member from having to create the listing from scratch again. During re-listing, a different Package can be chosen if desired.


This is an optional feature that allows a Site Administrator to charge fees for Featuring Restaurant Listings.

Admin can set the cost per day for a listing to remain featured.


Admin can create Restaurant Listings that the real owners/operators can later claim.

Restaurant owner can claim a listing and send a message to Admin with verification details of their ownership.

Section in admin to list all claims received. Admin can assess claims and either delete the Claim or assign the listing to the claimant. Upon assignment by Admin, a message is sent to the claimant, notifying them that the listing has been assigned to them.


You can drill down Restaurant Listings based on location. An additional section is included which lists all Countries in the world. Upon selection of a Country, all regions in that Country are displayed. Upon selection of a Region, the listings occurring at that location are displayed.


Advanced search functionality to allow searching by Keyword, Category, Sub-Category, Country, State, City


Restaurant Listings in My Area - Displays the Restaurant Listings located in the same City that the member is located.

My Restaurant Listings - Displays the Restaurant Listings posted by the member.


Google Maps Block

Restaurant Description Block

More Local Restaurant Listings Block - This lists other Restaurant Listings located in the same City as the Restaurant Listing being viewed.

Other Restaurant Listings by member Block - This lists other Restaurant Listings posted by the creator of the Restaurant Listing being viewed.

Restaurant Contact Block - Displays information such as Name, Email, Website etc for the Restaurant.

Restaurant Location Block - Displays information such as Country, State, Address etc for the Restaurant.


Google Maps block

Featured Restaurant Listings block

Recent Restaurant Listing block

Categories block

Browse Local Listings Block

Latest Comments block

Latest Forum Posts block

Tags block


Forum is tightly integrated to facilitate discussion on a Restaurant Listing


Adds the ability to limit viewing of an individual Restaurant Listing to a particular Membership Level


Adds the ability for Admin to restrict upload of Videos, Photos, Sounds and Files to particular membership levels. This is in addition to restrictions for Paid listings

MEDIA GALLERY (with Youtube Embedding)

Ability to upload a Photo, Video, Sounds and File Gallery.

Adds the ability to allow members to Embed Videos from Youtube.


Members can Rate and Comment on Restaurant Listings.
Members can Request more Information about a Restaurant Listing.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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This Mod Work Perfect. You the best at this, all the mod I've buy from you work like expected.
I have to say, this mod is very well worth it. It gives those who are owners of a restaurant many options to promote their establishment. The service from modzzz was excellent, great job!!!
Very good mod. Never disappointed with Modzzz !
Several errors and missing options in this mod :

- Search page is returning the search result page. So no separate search page.
- Restaurant event search not present.
- Restaurant event view not present.
- Restaurant tag page not present.

The mod seems to be changed in the meanwhile, because now I see a search page and a zip search on the demosite.

However, no patch or update is present in the market.
Perfect mod from perfect vendor.
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