Giovanni_mEstablished  225 (99.2%)

Dolphin 7.4.2 - Responsive SEO Splash Page - Background Slider and Video Background - 35% OFF


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.2

Added: 02.05.15

Updated: 09.02.18

Category: Template

Tags: dolphin 7.1, templates, responsive, seo, splash page, extensions, dolphin 7.2, dolphin pro, dolphin 7.3, dolphin 7.4


License: IMPORTANT: These are commercial template made by Giovanni_m and cannot be modified see more and redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Giovanni_m. These products cannot used for multiple customer websites. The license is for one domain name.

Technical Checklist...


35% OFF ($38, full price will be 59$) --> This offer will expire January 31

This splashpage is RESPONSIVE and includes a background slider and a background video
Main feaatures:
* Professional Responsive design (Mobile-Friendly) with Bootstrap
* SEO Friendly ( this splash page is designed for professional SEO )
* Multi Language (this splashpage can be translated for every language you have installed, users can choose the language)
* You can change easily the background image, the background video and the thumbnails for the profile slider, as you want
* It’s compatible with all Dolphin versions (7.0.X – D7.1.X – 7.2.X – 7.3.X – 7.4.X )
* It’s compatible with all Templates
* You can require the Facebook connect button (Login using your Facebook account). I can do it for the default Facebook connect (By Boonex) and for the Deano module.


Responsive Splash Page With Background Slider 01 Demo Site

Responsive Splash Page With Background Slider 02 Demo Site

Responsive Splash Page With Background Slider 03 Demo Site

Responsive Splash Page With Video Background Demo Site ( is very easily change the background video with any video you want )

  • Free update for all versions of dolphin

  • Optimized for the latest versions of: IE, FireFox, Opera, Google Chrome, Safari

  • Readme file detailed included

  • The installation is very easy, anyway I can install this splash page for free (only the first time). For installation request, send a privat message containing the credentials for FTP and for the Dolphin administration area.

  • For any question or problem, please contact me (my Boonex account is Giovanni_m), I'll answer within 24 hours.

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is a nice splash page. Visitors are impressed.
Very nice Splash page and very nice service from Giovanni..... Certainly to be recommended
I wish to Thank Giovanni for the Awesome Splash Page. The splash page really looks good on my website. Giovanni was quick and professional to work with. I will recommend him to anyone who needs work done on their site.

Chris Reidenbach
Meet Singles Now
Excellent Product, Excellent Service and a credit to Giovanni_m. Love your work. Thank you so much.
Hey there- it's been a couple of days and I haven't heard back concerning install and some questions I have. I've messaged you through boonex and through regular email. Thanks!
Hello, i not have messages related to installation via BoonEx i have only one question "before your purchase" where you asks a demo site to view the splash page, your message " for Installation " to my email unfortunately for some reason was in the spam folder, "is always better messenging via BoonEx for the first requests" now I have read your email and I will do the installation service for you.
Very nice splash page and great support from Giovanni
Very nice Product, Excellent Service Thank you so much.
It give the website that real profession entry :-)
Very nice Splash page and very nice service from Giovanni! Certainly to be recommended!
I would certanly recommend products from Giovanni. He's a nice guy and his support is really fast and helpful!
This Splashpage looks just gorgeous and it is easy to modify.
10/10 Points
Very nice splash page and great support from Giovanni. Thank You....
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.