AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.2.1

Added: 12.06.15

Updated: 16.10.17

Category: Advertisement

Tags: extensions, dolphin 7.1, aqb soft, remind, advertisement, popup, periodic

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows you to create site reminders - a graceful popups with any text of your own. Such a reminder can not be missed by any targeted member of your site. The most obvious use case of this module is to gracefully force free members to become paid members. Or it can be used to promote something else, show any kind of advertisement. It is possible to find a lot of ways to use for this module because it offers a lot of settings and options:

  • Allows to create multiple reminders

  • Each reminder is seen by a member every specified amount of minutes

  • Full multilingual support

  • Optionally allows to create a reminder which can not be closed till the specified number of seconds will pass. Can be useful for showing some kind of advertisement for non-paid members.

  • Allows to display a reminder at certain days of week only

  • Optionally allows to display a reminder on a certain page only

  • Offers targeting filter by:

    • Profile status

    • Membership level

    • Sex

    • Country

    • Age

    • Missing photos (NEW)

  • AJAX based updates checking every minute for reminders to show, which means that even if a member is sitting constantly on the same page (chat for example) - he still will see a reminder which he should see at any given moment

To see how it works, you can login to our demo site using
Login: aqbtest
Password: xxxxx
And then visit the page Browse Profiles. If you will stay on that page for a few minutes you should see the same reminder every minute. That is just for testing purposes. Period of showing any reminder can be changed to any number of minutes.

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Warning ! I would like to say much on this module. Since I have I used me for everything. The number of available paramêtres made sure he can go or stops the imagination:
1. I target the activated members, only one time, I welcome them, I authorize closing after four seconds, to avoid the closure reflex.
2. When a member pays its level of upper limb, I ask uniquemet a popup on the redirect page after payment, I used to thank the member, closing time 4 seconds, again to avoid the closure reflex.
3. see more I want a popup on any page of the site every 60 minutes I target standard members, I explain briefly why it is important that they support the site by buying gold nibeau and I quote some benefits for that one member can not close before 50 seconds. That there bored just enough but not too much.
Since I have this module, my gold sales level -> x 10 !!!
4. I also reminds members with a popup once a week, what he can do with their points, eg buy raffle tickets.
5. I do seem occasionally videos humanittaires vocation.
Really, the possibilities are illimtées,
There are still some things auquelles I have not thought of. The popup is nice and not aggressive.
We must intelligently adjust the closing time and parrution frequency, this module allows to do so.
It is difficult to describe all its advantages. It's a great tool for promoting that as much information.
Treat your popups with enriched editor and you will have great results.
Really thinking of buying this product, plus it is cheap for the possibilities it offers. Thank you Anton, the money comes right now and it is through this work.
Hello. Thank you VERY much for so comprehensive review. It's pleasure to work with you!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.