AndrewPPopular  1027 (98.8%)

Premium Job


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.4.0

Added: 04.06.11

Updated: 18.04.20

Category: Management

Tags: jobs, job, extensions, job module, google maps, vacancy, resume, employment, andrew soft, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - demouser,password - password

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AndrewP. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AndrewP.

Technical Checklist...

The Ultimate Jobs Module That You Have Been Waiting For Is Here!

After testing several of the top job posting websites, I decided to make my own Jobs module which includes all of the best features that are currently found on existing job posting websites.

This is a pure Dolphin 7 module that allows members the option of adding vacancies and allows job seekers the ability to apply directly with the option of submitting any resumes that they have added to their profile.

This Module has the following functionality (features):

* unique form to add vacancies and resumes
* unique view of vacancies and resumes
* search form on home page with autocomplete
* powerful filter on the browse jobs page
* array of fields for the detailing of jobs and resumes
* integrated google maps (displays the exact location of employer/company)
* possibility to charge your advertisers (to add vacancies) using membership levels
* chained set of fields to define placement (country-state-region)
* admin can manage (add/remove) categories (Industry)
* possibility to attach file(s) resume(s)
* everything is translated
* job tool: Apply (possible to apply job directly)
* job tool: print (using printer)
* job tool: save (temporary save)
* job tool: email (share job posting with somebody by email about this job)
* job tool: share (social share possibility)
* job tool: Report this job (possibility to report job to admin)
* unique and dynamic style that gives your site it's own look and feel
* integration with global search
* admin panel - pending approval
* global map for index page with vacancies (Google Maps V3)
* resumes block for index page and home page (of module)
* option 'can apply'
* option 'life time' (with crons)
* admin panel - resumes, where admin can work with resumes (approve or disapprove)
* new block at index page with a list of posts: most recent, most popular, top and local.
* new member menu links (add content links)
* dolphin's site stat
* new dolphin's charts
* vector icons
* integration with Timeline (Outline) and Spy modules
* integration with 'Business Listing' module
* choice of currency and term of payment
* four new fields for vacancies: 'Kind of work', 'Business trips', 'Kind of salary' and 'Number of reviews for the vacancy' (v 2.0.6)
* comments for vacancies (v 2.0.6)
* block with industries (categories) on module's homepage (v 2.0.6)
* google maps on the filter (browse jobs page) (v 2.0.6)

New features:

* powerful tool to manage places (jquery.dataTables + jquery.Jeditable) (v.2.0.7)
* resume view page: owner thumbnail, contact and share buttons were added (v.2.0.8)
* vacancy view page: owner thumbnail was added (v.2.0.8)
* 3 new fields for vacancies and resumes were added: company url, education and experience details (v.2.0.8)
* search for resumes, based on membership level restrictions (v.2.0.9)
* possibility to demand a certain membership level (or levels) to apply for a position (v.2.0.9)
* possibility to demand a certain membership level (or levels) to display additional contact information (v.2.0.9)
* cron-based "Jobs Weekly Digest" (that is sent to members by email) (v.2.0.9)
* NEW: The module is integrated with the mobile native application (v.2.1.0)
* NEW: The module is integrated with the standard sitemaps


This module is compatible with Dolphin 7.1.x - 7.4.x (any subversion)!
Free installation is included !
And if you have some questions feel free to ask.
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Andrew has done it again! I just purchased a job mod not long ago, and after seeing this mod in action I purchased it right away!

As usual with Andrew's mods, it installed in a few short seconds with no problems at all!

I have never regretted a purchase from Andrew, his technical support as far as I am concerned is at the very top of the list!!!

10 stars across the board!!
This is a really great Mod and the support from AndrewP is just perfect: Quick, nice, efficient,...

Everything just perfect !
We bought this module from Andrew about 2 weeks before. Works excellent and it's make our site more professional than it was before. If we had any question under the installation and after Andrew helped us immadiatelly (really immadiatelly, we sent a help message and we get answer within few seconds).
If somebody want to make his site more professional I suggest to buy this module. Excellent work, no bugs, very helpfull developer... I can't say any bad things.
Thanks Andrew!
Awesome module, excellent support.

Thank you Andrew!
Great module Andrew and thank you for the extra modification.
Very helpful developer with great skills 5+ stars
Thanks for the great mod and great install instructions. The module is a great addition to our site.
Please do reply to my email. thanks
Hi Andrew, just bought this module, installed 7.1 version, added the code to the file but I can't find a link where I can control categories or even change the front image of Job's home page... all I see when I go the Job module is 4 links Administration - Pending - Settings - Places... Administration is empty, Setting has 5 options and Places has the Countries, etc... I can't even find Jobs Page under Page Builder... how do I control this mod? thanks...
Hello my customer, you may manage categories in dolphin's admin panel (administration/categories.php?action=all&module=ajob page), the front image is: modules\andrew\job\templates\base\images\home_search.jpg .. other questions - by PM
Excellent module. Working perfectly with no installation problems at all.

Thank You!
Just one word : GREAT !!

Same for the support.

This mod is worth every penny.

Thanks Andrew !
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