modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.1

Added: 18.12.14

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, portfolio, resume, contract, modzzz, client, job

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows individuals or companies to list their Portfolio of work completed. This is fleible enough to accomodate virtually any kind of Portfolio ... whether for physical work (such as a building contractor) or online work (such as a Web Designer). Portfolio Administrator can show off details of Job completed, store information about clients, accept online quotes and get Reviews from past customers.

Jobs Completed

Portfolio Administrator can create a list of Jobs that have been completed by the company. The following info can be posted for each Job listing :
-> Client for which the Job was performed and details about the work that was done.
-> Duration of the Job
-> Locality where Job was done (if a physical location) or Website link if Job was online related.
-> Photo Snapshots or Videos for the Job can be posted.


Portfolio Administrator can create a list of clients that they have worked for. The following info can be stored for each client :
-> Client Name and details about projects worked on.
-> Location of Client.
-> Contact details of Client.


Potential Clients who are interested in the services of the Company can submit a Quote request. A quote can compose of the following components :
-> Information about the potential client
-> Information about the specific project needs
-> Contact details
-> Photos (Mockups etc.)
-> File attachments (Project requirements, sketches etc.Word, PDF etc.)

The company will receive notification of each new uote submitted and has the option to respond to the client via email.


-> Clients can submit Reviews for the Company based on work that have been completed for them.
-> Review can have Pros and Cons
-> Review can have a rating (how satisfied the customer is)
-> Review can stated whether the Company is recommended or not.
-> Person reading a Review can flag whether or not they found it helpful.
-> It is possible for the Administrator to add custom fields to the Review so depending on the type of Projects that the Portfolio listings cater for, the Review process can be tailored for relevancy.

Broadcast Feature

Ability to broadcast mass messages to all fans of a portfolio owner. This could be used during holiday periods to announce closing dates or to announce that the person/company is now offering discount prices on its services etc.

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Great addition for my members. This mod was simple to install and works great. I just had a little issue that was most likely due to my template being slightly different than the norm.... but that was fixed within a day with Modzzz help so I couldnt be more pleased with this great feature. I then tested the whole mod and it functions great. A great feature for any site. Thanks for another great mod Modzzz. Will be back for more later. Cheers.
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