AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

"Pages" Pack (25% off)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.0

Added: 25.02.14

Updated: 07.09.15

Category: Content

Tags: extensions, pages, articles, blogs, news, timeline, special, discount, aqb soft

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

A great deal for you! Now you may get Pages module with all Plug-Ins listed below with 25% discount.
1. Pages - $49
2. Pages Articles - $9
3. Pages Blogs - $9
4. Pages Events - $9
5. Pages News - $9
6. Pages Timeline - $9
7. Pages Cover - $9
Total is $103 but you'll get it for $77 saving $26.
Recommended by
Support Forum Feed
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This was an excellent buy, all my members are loving the features. Thank you again, you will have more of my business in the near future. installing was a breeze, i just didn't like having to wait 24hrs to receive my purchase but i guess its just the way things have to be done. Thank you again.

Is there anyway I can intergrate the EVO Wall - Advanced News Feed Module from IBDW into the pages i create with this module?
Thank you for the review!
P.S. As I know EVO Wall is a standalone module which shows site events. Do you want to show info about new Pages on the wall? Contact me via PM and we would be able to discuss details.
great module!! installing easy, thanks for your support, Thank you
You are welcome and thank you for the review!
I am very satisfied
The support is excellent
I love this product and hope Anton makes other cool things for maybe a way to at least do partial customization like on profiles or something. Price is good, support was quick, and always active with community.
Thank you for the review! We greatly appreciate your opinion!
P.S. If you need some customizations for the module feel free to contact us via PM.
This set of modules is the easiest way to get your sites to have user generated Pages with extremely helpful blocks. The developer is super helpful and was patient enough to walk me through the parts I didn't completely understand. I cannot suggest this package enough.
Thank you for the review! We were glad to help you!
This is hands down the biggest "bang for your buck" offer. We implemented this as an incredible way for members to control and engage more in the creation process on the site. We coupled this with the global points system which further gives users incentive to actual like, comment and participate which is critical to a sites success.
I purchased the whole pages package from AntonLV (AQBSoft) becasue I knew if anything went wrong with my install he would sort it out. I purchased the mp3 playlist from him a couple of months ago and because of my theme a a minor issue which was solved within 12 hours.

The Pages pack was no different. I installed everything very quickly and easily and everything worked just as it should. I made a few minor adjustments to match my theme and the use I had for the pages and now its perfic.

I see more did have one minor issue which was solved again very quickly. Because I know my theme could cause issues I still bought with confidence knowing help was there if I needed it. Luckily everything went swimmingly and infact cant say enough about how great the mod is as well as the great support.

When you know you're dealing with expertz you know the result will be every but as you expect. Cheers AntonLV and you crew for the great job.
Thank you for the review! We are always doing our best to support our clients. :)
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