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Notes (Profile + Site-wide)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.2

Added: 04.11.12

Updated: 27.01.20

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, note, comment, feedback, diary, review, modzzz, tag, notes

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited

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This gives the possibility for Profile Notes plus Site-wide Notes. This modules allows a site member to make Notes about different items throughout the site. Notes can be made public, available to friends only or reserved for personal access.

NEW --> Notes is integrated with Wall and Outline.

See Sample Feature List below :


This very unique feature allows members to post Notes on other Member Profiles and also on all Standard Dolphin modules (Events, Groups etc). Each module has a "Write Note About" button in the Actions Block and Notes posted appear in a block on the view page for the item. There are many interesting ways that members can utilize this. See some examples below :

Scenario A) - A member can post a Note on an Event that they want to attend and publish it in the "Reminders" Category. Additionally, the member could flag it as a "Friends Only" note so that their friends are notified and they can check it out and also attend if they wish.

Scenario B) - A member can post a Note on a Store item they are interested in and publish it in the "Wishlist" Category

Scenario C) - A member can post a Note on another member's Profile and flag it as a Personal Note.


Members can Tag others in their Notes by simply entering the other member name as a Tag. These Notes are shown in the "Notes about me" section in the Account Page. Members who have been tagged in a Note are notified by Email when the Note is published.


Members can post Notes and flag them for viewing by friends only. When these kind of Notes are posted, all members within the Friend Circle are notified via Email.


The member posting the Note can schedule it to be published at a later date. For example, a member may post a Note on an Event but do not wish for it to be active until after the Event has ended.


Block displays the latest Notes that have been published by members (with public view access).


This tabbed block allows dynamic display of four groups of Notes :

a) Personal Notes - These are postings that are intended for the author only (meaning they have been created with privacy setting of "me only")
b) Notes about me - These are Notes in which the member have been tagged
c) My Notes - These are all Notes that have been posted by the member
d) Notes in Friend Circle - These are Notes that have been published by the member's friends and have been created with privacy setting of "friends only"


This displays the following page blocks :
Quick Post Note Block
Quick Search Block
Categories Block
Recent Notes Block

Allows browsing by the following Menu options :
Top Rated (notes with the most votes)
Most Popular (notes with the most views)
Tags and Categories
Calendar (browse notes posted on particular dates)


When posting a Note, member can select a category the best suits the content of the Note. This allows the organizing of Notes into Groups. For Example, Personal, Reminders etc.


The module is integrated with Dolphin membership system so the site administrator can control who has access to posting and viewing Notes

Additionally, when creating an individual Note, a member can choose which Membership Levels are allowed viewing access


Members can browse Notes alphabetically.


Members can rate Notes and also post comments


Site Administrator can manage (Edit/Delete) Notes, thereby removing inappropriate content if needed.


For example, a member can post a Note ...

. on a friend profile page, reminding about how they meet.

. on an event that he joined, to remind him when event starts and necessary things to bring.

. on a group about how wonderful their last meetup was, and to remind him to join upcoming events again.

. on a business that he wants to checkout or write review in near future.

. on a product that he is interested in purchasing during sale period.

. on a property to remind him when open-house is approaching.

. etc...

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