modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.0

Added: 14.01.16

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Social

Tags: extensions, nightlife, entertainment, party, club, modzzz

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This allows the implementation of a Nightlife Guide on your site that allows the display of listings for nightclubs, bar and grills, discos, dancing, sports spots, cinemas etc. and other evening related activities and places. Provide your members with the Ultimate entertainment guide and keep them coming back to your site to check out new listings and engage in discussions.


On the main listing page, a block is automatically created for each Category to display listings for that particular category. For example, Lounge and Pub categories will have their dedicated blocks to display listings for each.


Nightlife Admin can now post News items about a particular Nightlife. News block with the latest posted News is shown on Nightlife View page. Sub-section added to Nightlife page to allow browsing all News items.


Nightlife has built-in Events section which can be used or you can choose to use the integration with the default Dolphin Events module.

Nightlife Admin can now post Events taking place for a particular Nightlife.

Events block with the latest posted Events is shown on Nightlife View page.

Sub-section added to Nightlife page to allow browsing all Events.


Members can post Feedback and Reviews on places they have visited or otherwise had some contact with. This will provide enlightening information for other potential patrons.


Optional integration with Coupons module.


This is an optional feature that allows your site to charge fees for listings.

Packages - Admin can create different packages with different benefits. The variables are :
a) Allow Videos
b) Allow Photos
c) Allow Sounds
d) Allow Files
e) Number of Days a Listing will show

Possibility to have both Free and Paid Packages. In addition to paid Packages, Admin can create Promotional Packages that allows the posting of Free listings for a specific length of time.

Ability to view all outstanding Invoices and all Orders.

Admin has the ability to create promotional Packages that allows the Free listing of Nightlife for a specified length of time.


This is an optional feature that allows a Site Administrator to charge fees for Featuring Nightlife Listings.

Admin can set the cost per day for a listing to remain featured.


The mod includes a listing of States/Regions for all Countries and allows you to drill down Nightlife Listings based on location.

An additional section is included which lists all Countries in the world and allows drilldown by Region and Country.


Admin can configure Nightlife Listings to send reminders to the list owner a preset number of days before the listing expires and/or a preset number of days after the listing expires.


You can drill down by both Categories and Sub-Categories.


Admin can create Nightlife Listings that the real owners/operators can later claim.

Nightlife owner can claim a listing and send a message to Admin with verification details of their ownership.

Section in admin to list all claims received. Admin can assess claims and either delete the Claim or assign the listing to the claimant. Upon assignment by Admin, a message is sent to the claimant, notifying them that the listing has been assigned to them.


Ability to upload a Photo Gallery.

Ability to upload a Video Gallery - For example, this is useful for places to upload video clips of activities/happenings.

Ability to upload a File Gallery - For example, this is useful for nightlife with eatery to upload menus etc.

Ability to upload a Sounds Gallery - This is useful for streaming music or announcements etc.


Members can Rate and Comment Nightlife Listings.

Members can request more information about a Nightlife Listing.


Members can share Nightlife Listings with other site members or external friends.

Allows sharing of the Nightlife listing on Twitter, Facebook and other popular networks.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.