AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

News Premium


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.5.2

Added: 13.08.13

Updated: 25.12.19

Category: Tools

Tags: extensions, news, images, videos, location, share, like, vote, rate, aqb soft

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

The module allows YOU and YOUR users to post news with IMAGES, VIDEOS, SOUNDS and FILES attached to the news.

The features list:

  1. Add news by category.

  2. Specify location (if it's needed).

  3. Attach images, sounds videos or files which can help to describe the news better.

  4. Point the news on a map.

  5. Each News has its own page.The available blocks are Main Info (author, category, address, etc), Description, Location (use Google Map), Likes, Comments, Votes, etc.

  6. "Like" feature.Viewers may give the news a Like. In this case they will be displayed in a separate block on the news view page.

  7. Share a news in social networks.

  8. Subscribe to somebody's news or invite your friends to view an interesting news.

  9. Use Privacy settings to control the access on a news view page.

  10. Public News on site's home page.Site's home page has a block with a list of public news. It allows to view featured, the most recent, top and popular news.

  11. News Premium home page and the other browsing pages.Home page has a list of newly added news, a map and a list of categories with counters the number of news in a category. Also you may browse news on Recent, Top Rated (the most voted), Popular (the most viewed), Featured, Tags, Categories and Calendar pages.

  12. Search by keyword.

  13. News Premium was integrated with default Dolphin's Timeline.News will be displayed on both member's Timeline and home page Outline.

  14. Administration panel.Site's administrator can manage news and change settings via News Premium's admin panel.

New in version 1.5
  1. Minor fixes and improvements.

  2. Postponed publishing. Now news author may select a date in future when the news will be published automatically.

You may test our mods, plug-ins and modules on our demo sites, and
And if you have some questions feel free to ask.

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Note. If you are interesting in similar module (app) for UNA, feel free to take a look at our News app which is fully compatible with the latest version of UNA script.
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Support Forum Feed
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Great module and the best support ever!
Very good module, news premium and thanks for your help and support.
You are welcome and thank you! :)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.