modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.1.0

Added: 18.10.11

Updated: 26.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: model, casting call, portfolio, agency, modzzz, extensions, talent

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This mod allows Models to post their Portfolio Listings. Models can create profiles displaying their personal statistics, casting calls, travel and availability schedule. There are Premium Features that allows Site Administrator to charge fees for Model listings. This is optional, the module can also function in Free mode.



This is an optional feature that allows your site to charge fees for listings.

Packages - Admin can create different packages with different benefits. The variables are :
a) Allow Videos
b) Allow Photos
c) Allow Sounds
d) Allow Files
e) Number of Days a Listing will show for

Possibility to have both Free and Paid Packages. In addition to paid Packages, Admin can create Promotional Packages that allows the posting of Free listings for a specific length of time.

Invoices - View page to list all outstanding Invoices

Orders - View page to list all Orders


At any time BEFORE a Listing expires, the owner can choose to extend the length of time it is listed for

At any time AFTER a Listing expires, the owner can choose to RE-LIST the listing. This is very convenient as it prevents the member from having to create the listing from scratch again. During re-listing, a different Package can be chosen if desired.


Admin has the ability to create promotional Packages that allows the Free listing of Models for a specified length of time.


This is an optional feature that allows a Site Administrator to charge fees for Featuring Model Listings.

Admin can set the cost per day for a listing to remain featured.


Google maps with street view on Model listing view page

Google maps with street view on Model main page that gives a snapshot of the location of all Model listings


This is not limited to a single Country. The mod includes a listing of States/Regions for all Countries. When adding a Model Listing, the State field is automatically populated upon selection of a Country.

You can drill down Model Listings based on location. An additional section is included which lists all Countries in the world. Upon selection of a Country, all regions in that Country are displayed. Upon selection of a Region, the listings occurring at that location are displayed.


Model Listings in My Area - Displays the Model Listings located in the same City that the member is located.

My Model Listings - Displays the Model Listings posted by the member.


Members who have used the services of Models can post Reviews about them.


Allows members to create collections of models. For example, you can create a collection of Photographers in the New York area.


Models can post notices indicating there Travel schedule.

Models can post notices indicating there Availability schedule.


Admin can configure Model Listings to send reminders to the list owner a preset number of days before the listing expires and/or a preset number of days after the listing expires.


Forum is tightly integrated to facilitate discussion on a Model Listing.


Adds the ability to limit viewing of an individual Model Listing to a particular Membership Level


Adds the ability for Admin to restrict upload of Videos, Photos, Sounds and Files to particular membership levels. This is in addition to restrictions for Paid listings


Advanced search functionality to allow searching by Keyword, Category, Country, State, City


Ability to upload Photo, Video, File and Sound Galleries

Adds the ability to allow members to Embed Videos from Youtube.


Members can Rate Model Listings

Members can Comment on Model Listings

Members can Request more Information about a Model Listing


Members can Share Model Listings with other site members or external friends.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Please login to post a comment.
very much need mod..Thanks modzzz for such a good idea!!!
finely exactly what i needed for my site great mod super easy installation as all modzzz mods.
An other very nice, pro, unique, missing and amazing mod from modzzz. Thanks a lot!
please answer my messages, i really need the modifications i already paid you for.... it's been almost 3 weeks and i haven't heard back from you.
This modification was completed and delivered over a month ago and I am just seeing this post. This goes to show that trying to make contact by posting in the comments section of a product is a waste of time. Use the PM feature to communicate with developers. This comments section was designed for posting reviews only.
Hi Modzzz
I have purchased a few of your modules including Models. Great work. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this platform.
However I do have 2 issues with the install of "Models".
1. When I first installed Models, and clicked on Models in the menu, I landed on the Models/Home page
Here the horizontal menu was disjointed (i.e. Models, Recent, Top Rated, Popular ......etc)
After item "Models" there was a space (I now know the space was missing word "Home"), see more after item "Top" there
was a space (I now know the space was missing word "rated") and after item Availability" was a space (I now
know the space was missing word "Notices" .
I corrected this by accident by editing the name "Models Home" to just "Models"
Then the whole menu displayed with proper spacing. Does this indicate there was a CSS issue with spacing?
Later I edited "Availability Notices" to just "Availability" and changed "Models" to "Models/Artists"
Please see this link to the site I am working on

2. The second problem arises when a member is logged in and clicks on Models in the menu.
This of course takes you to the Model/Home landing page and 3 buttons appear on the right
i.e. "Add Model" , "My Model" and "Home"
When you click on "My Model", a new item is added to the secondary menu at the end as "Models" (in my case it
is Models/Artists). But the new item is off the page.
I can send you a screen print if you provide your email address
How do I get it to appear wrap on second line (wrap to second line) instead of flying off to the right?

I hope you can help.
Maximum respect
A response has been provided in the support forum. This comments area was designed for leaving reviews on the product. The support forum is the correct place to make reports and ask questions.
Very nice mod! Great job modzzz!
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