modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Register/Unregister Tracker


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.1

Added: 08.01.14

Updated: 22.09.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, survey, profiles, unregister, quiz, chart, analysis, referral, modzzz

Demo:  username - dolphinmods,password - jbgjbg

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

When trying to promote your site, there are two very important Questions that you must get answers to:

1) Where are your present members coming from ?

2) Why are existing members leaving your site ?

By getting knowledgeable answers to these questions, you will be able to :

a) Fine-tune your Advertisement efforts and channel more energy into mediums that are providing high membership sign-ups.

b) Identify via Statistics the primary group of members that each Advertisement medium is driving to your site. (For example the Advertisement is a Health Magazine is driving primarily females within the age group of 20-30 to your site)

c) Identify the shortcomings of your site via the Exit Survey and implement measures to improve the service you offer.


This module allows you to encourage existing site members to take a Survey to identify how they learned about the site.

Administrator can create and manage a list of Answer options to show in the Registration Survey.

A section in the Admin panel displays all members that participated in the Registration Survey.

It is possible for the Administrator to select the Profile Fields that are displayed in the list.


When members attempt to un-register from the Site they are taken to a form requiring them to complete an Exit Survey to determine their reason for leaving.

Administrator can create and manage a list of Answer options to show in the Exit Survey.

A section in the Admin panel displays all members that participated in the Exit Survey.

All data from the Profile Table is retained when a member un-register. It is possible for the Administrator to select the Profile Fields that are displayed in the list.


For both Registration and Exit Surveys, there are sections in the Admin panel that displays Pie Charts showing the Statistics for based on the following Criteria :

a) The Answer Option selected by Participants.
b) Location of Participants.
c) Gender of Participants.
d) Age of Participants.
e) Statistics on a per Month basis.


Has the ability to send individual or mass messages to members who participated in either the Registration or Exit Survey. These can be messages containing Promotional offers etc.

The following scenarios are possible :

-> Message an individual member.

-> Message all members that participated in either Survey.

-> Message a subset of members that participated in either Survey.

-> Message a subset of members that participated in either Survey and selected a particular Answer. For example, if certain members left because the site did not offer a particular feature and you have recently implemented that feature, you can now message those members encouraging them to return because the feature is now available.


You can optionally offer members Points for participating in the Survey. Points mod is needed for this.


You can optionally offer members an Award for participating in the Survey. Awards mod is needed for this.


Get feedback from your customers so you can make an educated decision to offer Promotions to either retain existing customers or encourage those who have left to return.

Collect customer insights by conducting in-site short surveys. Analyze all the data using the charts in the Admin Panel.

Drive conversion and push sales on your website.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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