modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Facebook Ads


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.6

Added: 01.04.14

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Advertisement

Tags: extensions, advertisement, announcement, bulletin, broadcast, ads, campaign, modzz, facebook

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This module functions in a similar manner to the Advertisement facility that exists on Facebook. Site members can publish Ads to targeted Audience. This is the perfect way to make money from your site.

Members can create Advertisements and publish Campaign on specific dates as they wish. It is possible to have multiple Campaigns with different criteria running for each Advertisement. A Campaign can be started or stopped as desired. When a Campaign has expired, it is possible to re-launch it by topping up the funds without the need to re-create a new Campaign.

There is the possibility to select from multiple payment plans. The available plans are :

1) "pay per day" - Member purchases a number of days for which the Advertisement will be displayed.

2) "pay per impression" - Member purchases a number of page impressions.

3) "pay per click" - Member purchases a number of Ad. clicks.

Members can track the performance of their Campaigns on a daily basis by viewing graphs and tables with statistic information (impressions, clicks, etc).

The Advertisement Block appears in the inactive section of all pages on the site. Therefore Administrator can enable Ad display on any page they desire.


Member choose from the available payment methods (Points, Credits or Cash).

Member choose from the available payment plan types ("pay per day", "pay per impression" and "pay per click").

Member enter Budget Per Day and the Total Funds to Allocate to the campaign.

Member selects the criteria for the Audience that should be able to view the Ad.

Member launches the Campaign.


When launching a campaign, a member can decide which audience it should be shown to. This is excellent way of presenting the Ad to only those persons who may be interested in the Service being offered. It is also a way to optimize the performance of a campaign and improve the click-through rate. Members can obverve their click-through statistics and fine-tune this criteria as desired.

The available options for filtering the viewers are :

a) Language of the viewer
b) Gender of the viewer
c) Whether viewer is Couple or not
d) Age Range of the viewer
e) Country of the viewer
f) Membership Level of the viewer


Points - Integrated with our Points module so that members can choose to use Points to pay for publishing their Advertisements.

Credits - Integrated with our Credits module so that members can choose to use Credits to pay for publishing their Advertisements.

Shopping Cart - Integrated with Dolphin Shopping Cart system to facilitate payment by Paypal, 2Checkout and any other payment gateway that is integrated with Dolphin.

Each of the above-mentioned payment methods can be turned on/off by administrator and they all can be activated at once.


Daily Statistics (All Campaigns) block - On the Advertisement page, a member can view in tabular format, the daily clicks, impressions and expenditure for all the campaigns that are running for that Advertisement.

Click through Comparison Chart - For a particular date range, the member can view a charted comparison of the daily clicks received for each campaign running for that Advertisement.

Impressions Comparison Chart - For a particular date range, the member can view a charted comparison of the daily page impressions for each campaign running for that Advertisement.

Expenditure Comparison Chart- For a particular date range, the member can view a charted comparison of the daily expenditure for each campaign running for that Advertisement.


Administrator can setup bonus amounts that the members can receive when they purchase Advertisement. The bonus received is dependent on the amount spent. For example, Admin can decide to give a two percent bonus when a member spends between $100 and $200 to publish an Ad. Alternatively, Admin could decide to give a fixed bonus of $5.

When setting up a bonus, the following information is entered :

1) Payment Type - Whether the Bonus applies when payment is made by Points, Credits or Cash
2) Bonus Type - The bonus can be a fixed amount or a percentage of the payment made.
3) Amount of Bonus - The amount of bonus the member gets.
4) Range of Payment that Qualifies for Bonus - The payment has to be within a particular threshold before the bonus kicks in.


An Ad will consist of :
a) Title of Ad
b) Body of Ad
c) The URL to promote.
d) Display Icon


My Advertisements block - Member can browse all Advertisements they have posted.

Calendar block - Facilitate browsing Ads posted on particular dates.

Quick "Post an Ad" block.


The module allows the Administrator to create and manage FAQ which will be displayed on the front end of the module. The purpose is to familiarize the clientele with the procedures for utilizing the Banner service on your site.


Configure which payment methods are allowed (Points, Credits or Cash).

Configure the payment plan types that are available ("pay per day", "pay per impression" and "pay per click").

Allow auto approval of Ads or manual approval by Administrator.

Set separate prices for payment plans ("pay per day", "pay per impression" and "pay per click")

Possibility to use standard Dolphin's Membership Controls.

Configure Number of Ads to show at a time.

Configure Width and Height of Advertisement Icon.

Configure Maximum length of Advertisement Message.

Configure Maximum length of Advertisement Title.


Translatable interface (using standard Dolphin's Language Files).

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I like the concept behind this product and haven't really given it a full go. As soon as i can understand it better i will give an honest review
Absolutely brilliant mods from Modzz.
Easy to install. Simply the best mods.
best greetings
the joker
hope was worth it so far happy with others
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