DenreNew  90 (95.2%)

Dolphin Essentials


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.0

Added: 30.09.13

Updated: 28.01.14

Category: Core Changes

Tags: extensions, modifications, essential, password, forums, spam, bots, pagination, dolphin 7.1, discount

Demo:  username - demo,password - Demo123

License: commercial license for 1 domain

Technical Checklist...

This package contains three modules that no Dolphin site should do without. The total value of this package is $62, however I'm offering the following three modules with a 15% bulk discount price for $53.

1) Advanced Password Forgot ($12)

This module changes the behaviour of the password forgot function so that the person requesting a new password has to confirm the password change, before the new password is active. When the person clicks the link, he/she is logged in and does not need to login again with the new password!

For the confirmation message a new email template is added, that can be configured via the Admin panel, Settings, Email Templates.

Other options of this module include:
- Disable "Email not found" message (the message is a potential privacy leak)
- Option to let user create a new password instead of generating a new password (automatic generation of passwords is more secure)
- Redirect page (currently supported are account, profile and profile edit)

Installing the package is simple, just upload the package using the FTP option in Modules, Add & Manage. Select the module from the list of "Not installed modules" and click install.

By default the "Email not found" message is disabled, a temporary password is generated and the redirect page is "profile edit".

2) BotStopper ($15)

Why should your members prove they are not a bot? Let bots prove they are not human!

This automatic SPAM fighting tool is highly effective in stopping SPAM bots from taking over your site. I developed the Bot Stopper module some time a go for one of my clients, who's site was infected with bots causing the site to go down several times a day. Using the raw code for this module, I was able to stop over 90% of all bots within two days.

Now that I have further optimised the code and automated certain actions, you should be able to get the same results within a day, assuming you use the correct words that your site is targeted with.

The installation and configuration of the module is very simple but if you are not confident installing modules yourself, I do offer a module installation service for just $12.

Please be aware that recaptcha needs to be configured in order for the module to work correctly.

Although SPAM bots are banned automatically, you still receive an email in your (Dolphin) inbox with account details and information about the post. This gives you the option to take further action, if needed.

NEW!!! The BotStopper now contains functionality that replaces the need for recaptcha or other tools on your registration page!

3) "Killer Whale" Forums ($35)

Finally it's here, the module where everyone has been waiting for and no professional Dolphin site can do without.
This module brings pagination to the forums and with that improves the performance of your forums and most likely your whole website.

Posts that get deleted do not mess up your page index but are actually replaced by a message that can be set by the admin and are by default hidden.

This module makes navigating through the forums and forum posts easy and makes using the forums fun again.
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