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Cryptocurrency Ticker


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.2

Added: 10.12.17

Updated: 09.03.20

Category: Content

Tags: extensions, modzzz, ticker, scroller, currency, cryptocurrency, digital money

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited

Technical Checklist...

This year, hundreds of cryptocurrencies have popped up. The popularity of cryptocurrencies is on the rise and it's a market that is making a lot of money. Some knowledgeable people in the financial industry are predicting that it could be a game-changer in the world economy.

This module gives the possibility to create a horizontal Strip at the Top or Bottom of all Site Pages that will display a Ticker displaying the trading activities of major Cryptocurrencies (BitCoin etc).

It is possible to configure the Ticker to display prices in various Currencies. Valid values are:
"AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CHF", "CLP", "CNY", "CZK", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "HUF", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "KRW", "MXN", "MYR", "NOK", "NZD", "PHP", "PKR", "PLN", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD", "ZAR".

The module will also detect the preferred Currency for logged-in members based on their Profile Country.

The Ticker displays currency info, current price, percent change over given time period and whether the currency is trending upwards or downwards.

Administrator configures the default Currency for prices (eg. USD).

Administrator configures the period to use for flagging Currency as trending Upwards or Downwards (hourly, daily, weekly).

Administrator can configure the Ticker to refresh periodically and fetch new info from the feed.

Administrator can configure where in Top Section to display Ticker (eg. between top menu and content)

Administrator can configure where in Bottom Section to display Ticker (eg. between breadcrumb and bottom menu)

Administrator can configure height of scroll container, font size of scroll text and background color of scroll container.

Administrator can configure the number of Currencies to fetch at a time for scrolling.

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This mod is a game changer. Glad to have got it on my site. Many thanks.
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