anyakatesEstablished  152 (95.2%)

bring your friends to boonex!!


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 15.10.10

Updated: 15.10.10


Tags: services, jobs, modifications, integrations, upgrades



Technical Checklist...

Ever wanted your friends on your Boonex website? What do you think makes them not to signup on your website? If its the long registration and confirmation process, then the next few lines are for you.

Now bring all your contacts to your boonex website by automatically creating an account for all of them. This service is provided in order to let your friends and everyone in the contact and address-book to get an account on your boonex website.


Whats the procedure:

1: You extract/export your contact-list or entire address-book contacts into a readable format like csv, outlook etc.

for eg: for exporting all the contacts from your google account: you may go to and click on export all and then csv format to export all of them.

2: You handover the csv to me for importing all the csv contact ids into your boonex website. If there are 800 contacts, then your website shall have 800 members each with different email id.

3: Thereon, you can use a mass mailing service (can be provided by me) to inform all your friends, and those on the contact list, that they can just login directy with the following username and password on your boonex website!!



1: It shall provide a large user-base for your website.

2: More important, all the users shall be your friends and those within your friend circle.

3: No need for lengthy registration, which serves as a boon for people like me who hate to undergo the registration process ;)

4: You do not need to struggle for generating traffic, as most of it would be generated within your grasp (all of them are in your contact list!)

5: Opportunity to export all the contacts from your multiple ids, be it on google, yahoo, or any other email client and use it on your website.

6: Email your all user-turned contacts about their new account that they can login with the so-and-so userid and password. This can ofcourse get your community lively in a much shorter time than the rest.

7: You can also get a splash page created for your website that asks the visitor for their email id, and then allows him access to the website. You can get this email id saved, and at any later time, generate a user and send them their new account's userid and password to login :-)


Cost of importing csv contacts into boonex:

1-100 users: $10

100-500 users: $20

500-1000 users: $30

1000-5,000: $50

5,000+: time to get a dedicated server!


cost for mailing service (maximum of 2 emails to all members per day):

1-100: $20 per week.

100-500: $40 per week.

500-1000: $75 per week.

1000-5000: $180 per week.


Home splash page design: $35


So, let your friends come back to you on boonex through the unique contact-user importing service :)


*updates on the service guranteed.

*contacts in the form of csv, outlook export, etc allowed.

*the import service shall be completed within 24-48 hours after the start-up.

*requirements: csv or exported list, database username and login, and ftp username and login. prefer cpanel details.

* Lastly, the product is marked at $10, since the price for the import starts from $10. There was no option for consecutive pricing, so I had no option but to mark it as $10 for the minimum cost of service. hope no-one is offended with it.



Anya Kates

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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.