modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

News (Advanced)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.1.4

Added: 18.01.11

Updated: 09.08.20

Category: Other

Tags: modzzz, news, article, publish, extensions, feed, announcement, story, bulletin

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This is the only News module available for Dolphin that has Sub-Categories functionality. It also allows regular members to post news with media attached (Photos, Videos, Files and Sounds), plus many additional features.


When creating an News, there is the ability to publish the News on the site immediately or choose a later date for publishing. If News is scheduled to be published at a later date, it will be saved as a Draft and then automatically becomes Active when the publish date is reached.


News published in the past are Archived and Categorized by past Months and Years for easy searching.


Block on the home page to display News, with ability to filter by Featured, Recent, Top, Popular.


Block on the profile page to display Member's News.


Quick Search block
Quick Post News block
Calendar block
Archive block
Tags block
Featured News block
Recent News block
News Categories block


Ability of Admin to configure which Membership Levels has the ability to post News.

Ability of Admin to restrict viewing access per News based on Membership Level.


Search functionality to allow searching by Keyword and Categories


Members can upload Photos, Videos, Files and Sounds with their News


This is integrated with default Dolphin's Timeline. News will be displayed on both member's Timeline and home page Outline.


Members can choose to make an News anonymous so the identity of the publisher is not revealed.


Members can Rate News ... The member submitting the news can turn on/off this feature.

Members can Comment on News ... The member submitting the news can turn on/off this feature.


Members can Share News in social networks.

Members can choose who can access an News (friends only, everyone etc).

Subscribe to somebody's news or invite your friends to read an interesting news.


The Author can Specify the location (Country, State, City, Address) if it is relevant to the News.

Pinpoint the News on a map (if location is entered).


Admin can create and manage News Categories and Sub-Categories.

Admin can allow automatic approval, otherwise admin has to approve all new News.

Admin can set News as Featured.

Admin can Post-Moderate News.

Admin interface to easily configure News Settings .

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
Purchasing, downloading, and installing the pack was effortless and perfect.
Easy to install and very good support
I just installed your Ultimate News module. When I click on "Post news" from the main news page and click Continue, the page refreshes and nothing happens.

Can you help?
This issue has been resolved. The mod support forum is the correct place to report issues.
Good mod, but I would like to see more of the following options:
1. Placement of feed materials in the text of news, not only in a separate block.
2. View the original image. Full size.
3. Support embed downloads.

Sorry for machine translation into English.
The mod has been updated with new features. The mod support forum is the correct place to make feature requests.
Having the ability to allow members to post news is a huge plus for my site...great mod, easy to install. Definitely worth the price! The only thing it is missing is a members profile block that displays the news items they have posted.
Profile block that displays the member's news items is now added to the module. Thanks for your suggestion.
Just purchase 8 more mods on top of the 11 I bought last week from Modzzz. I'm starting to feel like I have an addiction to Modzzz mods lol they are just so powerful and popular. Each and every mod that I've purchase from Jerome works flawlessly, and better than I had expected, including this one. His prices are very reasonable and his Mods are AWESOME!!! And his services is second to none.
Hia All

This is my 22nd mod from Modzzz and I am even more impressed with their support and products.

Keep up the good work Modzzz
As usual Awesome mod and service you can never go wrong wit Modzzz
he's one of the best and never have problems with his mods works as it says all the time!
Great Job keep up the awesome work! 10+
easy install and to figure out how to use it - thank you, that makes 3 in a row from modzzz, with one getting custom work to suit ... glad you are here - Cheers
Awesome mod. Easy to install, easy to use... I love that it counts the clicks per post to know how to order the popular section!
Nice mod, good job, going to play with it now! Good work!
Another great mod and worth every cent paid for it. Installed in a few minutes with no problem exporting and importing the existing news bulletins etc.. No data lost...
It save a lot of time updating news etc...
I just purchased, easy install. I'm trying to display news articles from multiple rss feeds in a block on my homepage.
Could you please advise as to how I can do so? If I could set each category to pull articles from a different rss feed that would also be helpful.
Modzzz has done great work with all the modules I have purchased from him for my site, and I will happily get more down the road. Good support, free installation and quick to respond when there is a problem of any kind, even those I create myself. You can have full confidence in his many programs - just allow him to fix you up if you run into any issues. He will do it right.
Very nice mod, makes the site much more attractive to users.
Easy to install and to use. Modzzz is giving very good support and I am very happy with the 8 modules I have bought so far from him.
Peter Glawischnig
Thx Modzzz, good extension for site news. Does what is said, installation quick and easy - thumbs up!
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