RayzTop  3876 (94.4%)

Thumbnail Media 2


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.3.0

Added: 20.07.10

Updated: 22.05.16

Category: Multimedia

Tags: extensions, video, sound, audio, thumb, thumbnail, media, dolphin 7.1

Demo: http://dolphinforever.ru/m/videos/home/  username - test,password - tester

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Rayz expert and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Rayz expert.

Technical Checklist...

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Bring users thumbnails to life - make them talk, sing or even show video.Any video or sound added by the user can be easily set to be played in one's thumbnail area all whereever this thumbnail is displayed on the site.The music is being played by miniplayer with an equalizer.
New: now you will be able to preplay videos and sounds while browsing their thumbnails.

P.S. You can get this product even cheaper. Learn more at 10 products per $10 or 5 products per $10.
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Goog module and good support :)
Really sweet mod! A definite must have considering the cost of this mod!

It really does bring life and something different to your site.

I would recommend this mod to anyone wishing to spruce up their site and make it more interactive and enjoyable for a few dollars!

And once again it was simple to install. Any questions I had Rayz was there to answer them and take care of any technical issues that I had!
However wrote these instructions MUST have been smoking WEED way past the limit. Please send the right instructions on how to install this mod and this time try to add some info not just symbols that are used over 100 times in code.
This Mod is THAT good! And amazing value at only $20. Such a great addition to any site. Very unique touch. Great help from developer also.
hi guys i a have a problem with the video thumb when i click on it msg : file not found but if i click the text link it works fine i want this to work just like the sound thumbs is it somthing to do wiith the code help please
website : www.berjnayeh.com
thank you
this mod works only for recorded and uploaded videos.
Excellent Mod!!! I recommend it to everybody! A very fast, high-quality, professional and simply human technical support! Rayz - a very responsible person, always comes to the rescue! A pleasure to purchase the program by such developers!
As for the mod, the mod will be very useful for those people who are seeking to make mobile own website, as it is very convenient to press the mouse on the thumbnails in different albums and listen to them without reloading the page! Video miniature useful will see more be those with the video itself is located on your own server! If You video using only with youtube, then this mod to video can be individually switched off, as the video miniature with youtube will not work. As a whole is very useful and the main thing is not expensive module to Your site from Rayz! For dolphin version 7.0.9 is coming!Checked!

Отличный Мод!!! Всем советую! Очень быстрая, качественная, профессиональная и просто человеческая техническая поддержка! Rayz – очень ответственный человек, всегда приходит на помощь! Одно удовольствие приобретать программы у таких разработчиков!
Что касается самого мода, то данный мод очень полезен будет для тех людей, которые стремятся сделать мобильнее свой сайт, так как очень удобно нажимать мышкой на миниатюры в разных альбомах и слушать их без перезагрузки страницы! Видео миниатюра полезна будет тем у кого само видео находится на собственном сервере! Если Вы видео используете только с youtube, то этот мод для видео можно отдельно отключить, так как видео миниатюра с youtube работать не будет. В целом очень полезный и главное не дорогой модуль для Вашего сайта от Rayz! Для версии dolphin 7.0.9 подходит!Проверено!
not compatible with 7.1.4???
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.