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Profile Files


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 20.01.10

Updated: 20.02.13

Category: Other

Tags: modifications, profile, upload, field, file, resume, attachment, aqb soft

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This mod allows your members to upload files during registration or
profile edit processes. It is designed preliminary for uploading
resumes. But it is very flexible and can be adapted to any type of file
(for example for uploading an archive of some sound samples). File
uploaded becomes attached to a profile and on a profile view page can
be displayed as a link to a file on your server, ready for opening or
downloading. Pros: - Fully integrates into fields builder. In fact adds a new type of
field to it, called `File`. Which means that you can create as much
File fields as you wish - Allows for both mandatory and not mandatory file fields - Doesn't allows member to delete a file which has Mandatory status, only rewrite. - Allows admin to control allowed extensions (case insensitive) - Fully secure. Even if you will allow uploading of php or html files -
they will not be executed, but instead printed as source files. - `Couple` profiles compatible. Cons: - On join pages with multiple steps of registration works only if File field is placed on a last step of registration process.

You can see it in action on our demo site: is an example of profile with files attached:
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