derartmediaPopular  1304 (94.6%)

Nice Ajax Albums Mod [Slideshow]


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 28.11.10

Updated: 24.11.11

Category: Photos

Tags: ajax, slideshow, gallery, dolphin-mods


License: This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission see more from derartmedia

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Nice Mod. Thanks for sharing it with us.
(About 60 downloads in 24 hours and only thanks)

Thanks to KinkyCowboy1968! You are welcome!
WOW! Great mod. Thanks a lot.
Merci beaucoup pour ce mod qui est super

Very good mod

Thank you very much for sharing
Very nice! The best initiative so far!!! well done
Perfect, my search is over, simple and functioning, thank you!!!
Bravo - very good modules - thank you very much
Due to People Like You, Dolphin is Popular and People are interested in the Software. We are proude of you for the great module.

Request more additional features in the same module.

Thanks a Lot...!!
Wow this is the best for your picture with out making your members to scroll up the page very nice look clean and easy to use

Thank's a lot Derartmedia!
Very cool addition to viewing photos.
Since, I got to know Peter and Jean from the Ultimate Facebook Mod,
I realized that these people have something especial. Hence, I started to follow their developments.

Thanks guys for your innovation and creativity. Indeed this adds blood to boonEx..

Good doing the good job! and remember, there are people across the world appreciate your hard works
This mod says FREE_MOD all over it. I think it was a wise choice to start charging for it! I did not mind paying for it. What a great addition to anyone's site! The Dolphin Photo View page is a clunky mess and this small mod completely changes that! Viewing multiple images is now FUN!

Don't hesitate. If you display any images on your site, you need this improvement.
Well on this purchase there are no great reviews! When I purchased this mod I checked out this developers other photo mod which is the Profile Members Flash Album, but I thought the layout of this one was better.

I am no rocket scientist here, but to me it looked as though the Tiltviewer and Simpleviewer were actually part of this Ajax Banner mod (at least to me anyway), so I purchased this one. After installation I realized that the Tiltviewer and Simpleviewer were not part of the mod.

I contacted see more the developer and asked whether I could pay the difference in the purchase price between this mod and the other, as I made a huge mistake, and was told flat out NO WAY!

Now I understand the fact that I may have downloaded the mod already and installed it, but let's be serious here. Is this not a community site here? You know, help each other out. I made an honest mistake and was willing to pay the price difference between the two, I wasn't trying to steal it.

I have purchased over 40 mods here in the last few months.........a lot of money.......and for this gentleman's kindness and understanding I will make certain to not purchase any further mods from this developer.

Oh yes his talents are great, a fantastic developer, but as a human being......the guy sucks!!!!

If you give this guy your money you are sure to get an excellent mod.............but...........that's all you get!

I have discovered that I can add the Tiltviewer and Simpleviewer code by using the code provided by the developers, that's the only difference between the 2 mods. So I have now downloaded the code (which can be found here: to add the Tiltviewer and Simplviewer to my photo section. So I get what I intended to get in the first's just going to take a lot of work :-(

7.0.6 update coming?
there is no update needed for 706
Didn´t work in D 7.7
For sure something I did wrong, but I tried 4 times, following instructions. I see now 2 blocks "view photo"
both do the same.

I post a comment today, but I was not able to post a new one or edit that one.
I finaly figured out how to make Mod AjaxGallery to work.

Here is the comment that was block by the system..

Worked! nice :)))

Hey guys! The Readme.txt says to run the install.php

That was wrong in instructions.

instead, we should run: intaller.php

Thank you derartmedia.
Nice module... would be better if the programmer replaced "play" and "pause" with buttons similar to the left and right arrows.
Thank you, derartmedia!
Very good job!
But I have a few propositions.
1. Will be better if you will edit readme.txt string "http://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/install.php" -> "http://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/installer.php"
2. Add point 5.3:
Add two language keys for: _Play and _Pause
Open your http://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/administration/lang_file.php
Click "Add Key" button and fill the form.

And one.
The present version the Ajax Albums Mod doesn't have a raiting photo tools.
Can see more you fix it bug if possible please?

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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.