AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

My Albums 2.0


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 25.12.08

Updated: 25.10.10

Category: Photos

Tags: ajax, albums, photos, votes, aqb soft


License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AntonLV and cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AntonLV.

Technical Checklist...


This plug-in adds to your site an EASY to use and SIMPLE to understand photo gallery. Your users would be able to create photo albums and add photos to them.
The plug-in has multiuploading. It means that the user may upload any number of photos at the same time.
The plug-in adds new block on the profile page, allowing to view member's albums and photos in them. Also it adds the block on the Home page, which shows a list of newly created albums.
One of the main advantages of this plug-in is its simplicity, your users will love it.

New in this version.
1. New user friendly and interactive layout. Some new Ajax based features were added. They make the work with albums easier and more interesting. Take a look at the first image.
2. Album votes. Users may vote for/against the album and the results would be displayed in the Album's info.
3. Edit album feature. Now album's owner may easily change the album's info(title, description, thumbnail). Take a look at the first image.
4. "The Newest Albums" block on the Home page. It helps your users, to show their albums/photos to the otheres.
5. New administration panel. It allows to browse and manage users' albums. You(as administrator) would be able to correc the descriptions, remove some bad photos or even the whole albums.

Let's check the following screenshots:
1. My Albums page. Allows to edit, delete some album(s) or create new one.

2. View album page(as its owner). Allows to add photos to the album using multiuploading. Also you may remove some unnecessary photos.

3. Albums block on the profile page.

4. Album viewer.

5. Albums block on the home page.

6. Administration part of the plug-in.

7. Albums' manager in administration panel.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

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