webmediaservicesPopular  636 (93.8%)

Hot Spot Slider


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 26.02.10

Updated: 26.10.10

Category: Advertisement

Tags: micropayment, hot, spot, homepage, slider, account, profile, make money


License: This is a commercial product made by Web Media Services NL. This product may not see more be trade, be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Web Media Services NL. This license is valid for 1 community. Contact us for more licenses

Technical Checklist...

Get your your members in the Hot Spot! Give your members a hot place at your community for free or sell a Hot Spot place and earn money with micropayments.

This is how Hot Spot works:
With Hot Spot your members will get a hot place at the homepage and/or all account pages and/or all profiles.
After ordering Hot Spot they will join the Hot Spot List and get a spot at the end of the row.
The first (i.e.) 5 spots will be shown randomly in the Hot Spot.
Every time a new member joins the Hot Spot List a member will move up one spot.
When the Hot Spot List has (i.e.) 10 members, the first spot will be dropped out of the list.

You can choose for these order options:
-Order Hot Spot for free
-Order Hot Spot for all members or paid membership levels only
-Order Hot Spot with a payment to you by mobile phone and/or paypal worldwide
-Order Hot Spot with points (if you have point module!)

As admin you can set it up completely:

-Enable/disable sliding NEW

-Several slide options like moving updown, downup, leftright, rightleft NEW

-Set up slide speed and scroll pause time NEW

-Enable/disable buttons previous and next NEW
-How many members in Hot Spot List
-How many members are shown randomly from this List
-How many places may a member have in the list
-Background color of the Hot Spot List
-Background color of the order blocks
-Enable order Hot Spot with mobile phone and/or paypal
-Enable order Hot Spot with points (if you have points module)
-Enable order Hot Spot for free
-Easy set up a world wide payment module in the admin panel. Manual has been included into the admin panel.

** Easy to install, supports all languages and skins, great advancement for your community !

* Live preview?

Dolphin 7.0

Just log in with username 'test' and password 'testtest' or create your own test account.



Hot Spot Slider Xtra ($40) (with personal messages/advertisements)





Compatible with Aramis Points and Gifts module





Please login to post a comment.
great mod, really. Very useful, easy to implement and works perfectly. A real supplement for web sites.
this mod worked great on d6 and now i have it for d7...omg this guy is great!! i recommend him to anybody :)
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.