TranslateMyFile_ComNew  13 (80%)

Brazilian Portuguese Language File - D 7.0.2


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 27.07.10

Updated: 07.08.10


Tags: translations, services, jobs, extensions, ads, templates, modifications, integrations



Technical Checklist...


[Price valid untill 10th of August, 2010.]

- The Brazilian Portuguese Pro Version of  Lang_br.php, The file ready to be installed from the Admin Panel.

- Download and follow the instructions.

- File is protected, Never share it with other parties.

- This price is only for one single domain owner.

Example: If you own 10 domains, you can use it in these 10 with no restrictions. ( We check the infos with the registrar )
-File language version: Dolphin 7.0.2. ( Latest Version )
-File lines: 5124 Lines. ( All BoonEx Modules , Admin and Member Interface Are Translated , If you  don´t speak portuguese and you want to keep your Admin Panel in your Default Language Please send us a notice to send you the Partially Translated one.)
-The file is translated by me,  I speak Arabic, English, French and Portuguese. I´m a WebDesigner and WebMaster. So No Risk to get bugs or wrong terms or words in the language file code or expressions.
-Buyer cannot resell the file or share it on internet. ( We include a detectable hidden words to identify the sites that may uses the language file)
- Faq, Advice, Help, About us, Privacy and Terms of Use Sections are not included. It must be purchased separate.
Partial translation : ( customized and translated by me )
Full Working Version:
Our First customer that uses our file:
You can read more about this file on our site :
Please login to post a comment.
I bought this translation and I had it installed on my website. I am brazilian and I was desperate to find a brazilian portuguese translation and I had about ten differents translations companies estimates and the lowest price was $2500 (usd) for the site translation. I felt without hope when I finally got an email for the person who was my site administrator at the time, telling about Lassad file.
I love the translation and the intallation, the support, the communication and all the process see more was very good! I recommend this product to anyome who wants a professional and very affordable translation.
Thank you very much Celia. You are one of our best and polite and honest Customer. Thank you again and hope that we serve you as you need.
The language file was updated 16 of September 2010. The file was sent for free to all who purchased it. Thanks to All.
Notice: The Free Update to 7.0.3 is delayed due to final verification, File will be sent to all our costumers untill 23th of October, 2010. Thanks.
Brazilian Clients Must Pay By Direct Deposit in Brazilian Banks Only. We will not accept Paypal Payment from Brazilian Users More.
A Compra do arquivo por Brasileiros Não será permitida via Paypal. Somente via depósito bancário.
Hello. It has been a week that I bought the translation and I still did not receive any files. Please, do something.
Já faz uma semana que eu comprei a tradução e eu ainda não recebi nenhum arquivo. Por favor, faça alguma coisa.
Doctor Alipio: You followed the step correclty and we answered to your office boy that contacted us ( e-mail sent to you in copy too. ).
Dr. Alipio: Por favor checa o seu e-mail ou verifique com Daniel ( que se identificou como seu funcionário quando enviou o e-mail com a cópia para a sua excelencia.)
There were many things missing in this translation which was disappointing considering the very expensive price tag of $189. I had to pay a Brazilian friend to fill in the missing words. If I had waited, I would have definitely preferred to buy the other Brazilian Portuguese pack that just came out for $69.
Jargman: We respect all what you wrote, I don´t really know what do you mean by what all you told, we have more than 10 costumers ( 8 are brazilians ) that knows really the translated keys.. You are the only one that claimed about the content of our work. Please if you can let us know your site url to check if you really use our file if it edited or not. Our file now has the version 7.0.4 and you received it as all our costumers, just know that we are not responsible if you edit the file. and you see more can check our demo version at . feel free to contact us when you want. We are here to satisfy our costumers. Thanks.
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.