AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.6.0

Added: 04.01.10

Updated: 11.06.19

Category: Tools

Tags: extensions, online, activity, simulate, aqb soft, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

Technical Checklist...

This simple mod allows you to simulate activity on your site.It puts members to online status thus if someone come to your site he'll see that there are a number of online members. He will see it in site stats, in search and on profile thumbnails (light bulb is on when member is online).You have control over which profiles to put online (any profiles or only those which haven't been active since selected date), how many profiles to put online (exact number or random count from min to max) and for how long. Also you can choose to update last login time and whether to set member's online status in Ray Presence. You can create multiple autoonline rules and these rules would be executed every 15 minutes (by default, but you can easily change it so rules would be executing every 5 minutes or every hour, or whatever you want).This mod also allows to put online only profiles with pictures (avatars). This mod will simulate life on your growing site and this will helps you to attract new members.Note: To install this mod on a Dolphin versions lower than 7 you will need to set up a Cron job, i.e. you should have Cpanel or SSH access to your server.
You can check how it works on my demo site: any moment by visiting this page: should see at least 5-10 online profiles with a presence status set to "Away" plus 3-5 online profiles with status set to "Online". This is a result of this mod working and running two autoonline rules.
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Great mod, installs easy and works as stated. It's a good function to have when your getting your site up and going to simulate more interest from others as they will see activity at all times.
Cool mod, this work great, easy to install! This will help me for starting traffic on my website community! This is a must for new starting community!
Hope that soon it will have the option to choose wich user to set auto online :)
Another perfect mod easy to install works great A+
Hi I have tested my site days with using the auto online and days without using it and more members join on days when I use it rather than when I don't use it.
Effective, simple to use, excellent price service from Anton who a professional and pleasure to work with.

Nice modules,work perfect!
This one is well worth the price... A breeze to install and setup. As mentioned, be conservative with the settings. I quickly had several hundred members online because I had them set too high. It is nice to have that flexibility!
Nice modules thanks so much
Nice Mod, Easy install !!!!
$sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastNav` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = '{$iMemberId}'";
this line doesen existe in the new version 7.0.5

Installation of: Autoonline Done
-- Introduction from vendor:
IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for other than personal usage.
The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY.
To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order see more another copy of this product (license).
This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.
This notice may not be removed from the source code.
-- Changing database: Done
-- Update languages: Done
-- Recompiling site statistics: Done
-- Recompiling permalinks: Done
-- Clear database cache: Done
-- Conclusion from vendor:

In the file member_menu_queries.php find the line

$sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastNav` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = '{$iMemberId}'";

and replace it with the code

//--- AQB Autoonline ---//
$sQuery = "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastNav` = NOW(), `ActualDateLastNav` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = '{$iMemberId}'";
//--- AQB Autoonline ---//

Congratulations!!! Installation is finished.
If you need some help feel free to contact us.
Package updated. So it includes installation instructions for Dolphin 7.0.5 and higher now.
Thanks for letting us know.
Very nice module. Easy to install if you are familiar with your server and Notepad++. Well worth the price but be careful with your settings and autorules:-) Too generous and your site is well above 300 plus profiles:-)
Thanks for the review. :)
I like this mod but feel it should allow me to select specific members to be online. These members might have special instructions or content in their profiles I want new visitors/members to see.

Please add the ability to choose specific members to be online!
The ability to select manually which profiles has to be online would make interface much more complex and thus the price would be higher. We can offer a low level solution:
1) Add boolean profile field via [admin panel -> builders -> profile fields] to profile edit page for admin and give that field a name IsAutoonlineAllowed
2) Edit the file modules/aqb/autoonline/classes/AqbAutoonlineModule.php, replace two ocurences of the liine
$where = 'WHERE (`Couple` OR `Couple`>`Profiles`.`ID`) see more AND `Status` = "Active" AND ';
with the line
$where = 'WHERE (`Couple` OR `Couple`>`Profiles`.`ID`) AND `Status` = "Active" AND `IsAutoonlineAllowed` = 1 AND ';

After that you can manually edit the profiles and there on profile edit page check/uncheck the field IsAutoonlineAllowed and only those profiles will be used by autoonline module which have that field checked.
How does this work with rules? Can you manually edit a profile to be online without setting up a rule for auto online to run?
It works so that rules are using only those profile to put online which have set new field IsAutoonlineAllowed enabled. And no, you can't manually put someone online without using an autoonline rule (actually it is possible by using a database query but that is out of scope of the Autoonline module).
I would like to recommend this mod to all who are looking for traffic.This is really great mod and helps me to persuade users to come online.
Thank you very much Anton to create this.
A perfect mod that work exactly as it is described! Very easy to install and very helpfull customer service! Thank you!!
You are welcome and thank you for the review.
Does what it says,.
Great module !
This is a very nice module, i have purchased it and they have installed it for me, I Recommend it to all
Thanks. We appreciate your review!!!
Thank you very much. for this autoonline, I have needed if for four years and found you have a great deal. Thanks.
You are welcome!!! Check my product's list, may be you need somethink else. :)
Great mod. Does exactly what it says. I bought it installed it and had it running in less than 5 minutes total. Thanks. This is the third mod that I have bought from this vendor and pleased with them all.
Thank you very much!
We greatly appreciate your opinion.
Damn, this does just what it said it would. Great job. Nicely done.
need help installed mod as directed but not showing up in my uninstalled mod section. What went wrong please help. Thank you
Looks like the module's package was uploaded in wrong folder. Could you please follow the installation instructions carefully. If you need more help contact me via internal mailbox.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.