AntonLVTop  8939 (99.6%)

Automatic Confirmation Emails


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 25.09.10

Updated: 24.06.14

Category: Administration

Tags: modifications, aqb_soft, automatic, confirmation, email, unconfirmed, dolphin 7.1

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

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License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft.

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This simple and free mod automatically sends confirmation emails to unconfirmed profiles each N days, where N is a configurable parameter.
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A few lines of code that make the management of the Unconfirmed members so easy :-)
Great ! Thank you very much ;-)
This is WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much. It worked really well. Also, thank you for pasting details instructions on how to execute a query. It was very thoughtful to add for someone for those who don't know how. I've never seen anyone add those instructions with mods and queries I've executed in the past.

A good one Anton ...

Thanks Anton. Another stop gap fix for something that should have already been there.
Before I was a member of BoonEx, my concern was to contact with the best agent, and in fact I think I found ...
From my beginnings Anton always helped me in everything I needed, I know he has a lot of work, yet he always gave me excellence in their work and personal attention.
I owe a lot to Anton, the best mods of Boonex are from Anton, actually i bought them all.
Well, all their products and services deserve more than five stars from a profesional who deserves more than it delivers.
If you see more are looking for professionals to realize their Projects, ROI, Honesty and Excellence, the answer of the equation is AntonLV.
very useful mod..... thanks
Thank you for the review and you are welcome!!!
You are still here anton? Fantastic.... You did some work with me on a mod back in 2007....(Had to go back to the Military), but I am back... in full force... and I may need to hire your help again.... Getting re-aquainted with Dolphin again....... I have some concepts and features I would like designed.... So hit me up here... (Email me)... for some details.... Thanks.... David P.S. this project is going to be huge... NOthing like it... and well... write back!!!
Yes, I'm here. :)
Feel free to contact me.
His works are genious. His support is best. You won't have to worry. Highly helpful personality. One of the best developers I have ever met on Unity. Many-many thanks for your kind help. I wish a happy and prosperous new year to you.
Thank you VERY MUCH!!! :) We greatly appreciate your opinion.
Happy New Year to you and your family!!!
hi i almost made my mind to do via phpadmin but then realising what if this messes any code, left it as is..
i am not a tech so can't take a chance..
If you need some help feel free to ask via BoonEx Unity internal mailbox or
how / where do you set in te hvariable n tehj number of days ?
It is at [admin panel -> settings -> advanced settings -> Time period for sending confirmation emails to unconfirmed profiles (in days)]
this has caused our site to be suspended due to sending out spam. so how can i remove the SQL command from the database and this mod from my installation
Just as advertised this modules sends every N days activation emails to all unconfirmed profiles on your site. If on your site there are hundreds or thousands of unconfirmed profiles and you configured the module to notify them every day then of course this would result in hundreds/thousands emails every night. So in that case it is necessary either to:
a) Delete old unconfirmed profiles
b) Set N parameter to a bigger value so it would notify unconfirmed members by portions every day.

Anyway see more to uninstall the module do the following:
1. Execute the following DB query to remove all records from DB:
DELETE FROM `sys_options` WHERE `Name` = 'confirmation_email_period' LIMIT 1;
DELETE FROM `sys_cron_jobs` WHERE `name` = 'auto_conf_emails' LIMIT 1;

2. Clean site's DB cache by clicking the "Clean db" link on the admin's dashboard page.
AntonLV, I just want to say this is a nice mod and will be very useful, thank you. The one problem is that i can’t get it to run. I installed the MYsql statement with no problems, cleared the db cache as directed, and went in to the Admin panel reset the number of days to 2 and saved it. I added a new record and waited, but it has now been 10 days and I have not received a conformation email. There are no messages in the queue. Is there something I am missing?

I am running the latest version see more of Dolphin 7.0.9
Solved (reason: Dolphin's cron job wasn't working).

Tried the mod with 7.1 and got the following error when I did the SQL Query:

#1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'INSERT INTO `sys_cron_jobs` (`id` ,`name` ,`time` ,`class` ,`file` ,`eval`) VAL' at line 3

Would love to get t his to work. It is a great idea and it could just be something at my end. Bit, I don;t know what it could be.
The error message seems odd.

Try to run this part of the query only (since the first part most likely worked fine):

INSERT INTO `sys_cron_jobs` (`id` ,`name` ,`time` ,`class` ,`file` ,`eval`)
VALUES (NULL , 'auto_conf_emails', '0 1 * * *', '', '', '$iPeriod = $GLOBALS[''MySQL'']->getParam(''confirmation_email_period''); $aProfilesToConfirm = $GLOBALS[''MySQL'']->getAll("SELECT `ID` FROM `Profiles` WHERE `Status` = ''Unconfirmed'' AND (`Couple`=0 OR `Couple` > `ID`) AND (TO_DAYS(NOW()) see more - TO_DAYS(`DateReg`)) % {$iPeriod} = 0"); foreach ($aProfilesToConfirm as $aProfile) activation_mail($aProfile[''ID''], 0);');
easy to install through admin panel, excellent work and great little mod. Cheers
I have followed all your instructions but still my confirmation cannot be sent which is I don't know while, it was working before but after they upgrade to new versions for me never worked again. Any help, please.

Ensure that your Dolphin's cron job is active and properly configured - runs every minute.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.