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Access Management System


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 14.01.10

Updated: 25.10.10

Category: Security

Tags: extensions, management, security, spam, protection, blocking, aqb soft


License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The \"personal usage\" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another

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The modification helps you get rid of annoying spammers and scammers. You could ban your undesirable customers by profile ID, visitors by IP address or by the country of residence. Also you could track users with the same IP address.

The product is designed to protect your site from undesirable users and visitors (for example, spammers, scammers). You can limit access to certain users or group of users to your website via Dolphin administration panel. Group of users may be the whole country or group of IP addresses.
This system blocks users by:
1. User's ID (Profile ID)
2. IP address. System will automatically save user IP address during each login.
3. Country name.

To block user by ID you may search for a user by different criteria (ID, Nickname, Email). Also you could see a list of users with their ID, Last visited, Nickname, Realname, Sex, IP address. Blocked users in the list are marked with the color. Also you may sort the list by described fields to easily work with groups of users.

To block user by IP. You may easily add IP address, interval of IP addresses, IP address with mask which are separated with (,) or (;) signs. You can create the list of blocked IP addresses in any text editor and paste it in the text area in the Blocked IP-s section.
For example:
1. Simple IP address:
2. Interval of IP addresses:
3. IP addresses with mask:

To block user by country of residence. There are number and list of already blocked countries in Blocked Countries section. To block/unblock users from the whole country you need to click on "Total blocked Countries" link and youll see the list of all countries. You just check/uncheck the country and save.

In Members with the same IP you can see the number of users which have the same IP addresses.

If user is blocked he will see the page with text "You are banned" or "Access to the site is closed to users from your country".




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