busdostIntegrationmodification, installations, custom, moduleOpen budget0 bids$0 average bid1st of December 2014

Webcasting Service Embed in Dolphin



Dolphin 7.14


We need a professional 3rd party webcasting service embeded in our Dolphin site using API or whatever works.

We don't know which 3rd party service.

So we need your suggestions.



Here is some detail in points to help you understand the overall picture.
This is the process.
1. "Any user" on the site can fill out a form requesting a webcasting meeting to be setup.
The form fields are
a. Title of the webcast
b. Brief description of what the webcast is about
c. Date of the webcast (Date selector - mandatory)
d. Start time of webcast (mandatory)
e. End time of webcast (mandatory)
f. Approximate number of audience.
2. On submission, the site superadmin receives an email with the details.
3. The superadmin sets up the webcast for the date and time (in the 3rd party software).
The admin then sends out an internal email to the user with a link and maybe a PIN code for the webcast presenter and a PIN code for the audience.
4. The presenter will need a way to send out the link and the audience PIN and the date and time for the webcast to
a. List of user emails (not very important at the moment)
b. To everyone in his group.
5. On the given date and time the webcast happens in embedded format within our site.
(Important: The webcast is inside our site...not outside in the 3rd party site )
6. The audience can send chat questions to the presenter.
That's all for now.
12/7/2014 - I need a definite answer of what's doable and a price.
12/31/2014 - I need a working system by the end of the year.
If you manage to do this, we would like to use the same system for another Dolphin site as well.


The price is negotiable. 

We will not necessarily go with the lowest bid. We will work with you if have the right experience or knowledge.

No bids so far.
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I have been checking up on the well known Webcasting services and I am starting to think that
#5 ....embeding webcasting inside Dolphin might not be feasible or even a good idea.
If the webcasting company's template is easy to work with perhaps it can be buried in Dolphin pages using iFrame.

No one wants to give this a shot?
What is your budget for this project?
I may be a little late and you may already have a solution.
I agree embedding webcasting using an API such as the one provided by http://www.companywebcast.com
It would be pretty staright forward to complete and we can habe it done in about a week for you.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.