cnbarryModificationmodule, rss, news, outline$300-5001 bids$650 average bid26th of November 2012

RSS News Feed with Outline integration in 7.1

To be fair to the other developers, please bid on your price and time for completion.  The bids are hidden and will not be shared with other developers.

If you develop a module from the ground up you are more than welcome to sell it on the market as an annuity. Consider the budget as seed money to complete the development.

Modules2Buy let me know they have no plans on updating the RSS News Feed module.

The next logical step in the progression of the RSS News Feed module is to have the articles post automatically in Outline.  Upon clicking on the article the content is displayed on the Dolphin website where users can comment on the post which would show up in the Outline as well and increase social interaction.

Key Features

  • Support Various RSS and ATOM versions

  • Multiple categories (ability to edit category names)
  • Multiple RSS News Feeds per category

  • RSS Feeds are integrated into Outline module of Dolphin 7.1+
  • Show articles quantity by paging

  • Organize News in categories is easy to display and search

  • User-friendly, efficient and flexible Featured News shows featured articles

  • Automatic grab news feed in schedule

  • Easy to share

  • Easy to manage and configure with a lot of options from administrations area

  • Ability for users to comment, like, share RSS with link back to Dolphin site from Outline and RSS News Feed module.
  • Ability to turn on/off non-logged in users to comment, like, share RSS from Outline.

Front – End

News Home

  • Quick Search: keyword, sort articles by Category
  • New Categories
  • Featured News
  • Hot News: shows articles sorted by most viewed articles, set max amount of articles per view area
  • Latest News: shows most recent articles

Latest News

  • Quick Search
  • Category
  • List of latest News

Hot News

  • Quick Search
  • Category
  • List of Hot News

Featured News

  • Quick Search
  • Category
  • List of Featured News


  • Quick Search
  • Category
  • Listing News (sort by date)


  • Search news (sort by keyword, category)

Back – End

Manage RSS

  • Filter RSS based on keyword
  • View / Edit / Delete / Get Data / Flush all RSS


  • Add New RSS into Category
  • Check if RSS URL exists or not
  • Feature RSS

Manage Categories

  • View / Edit / Delete RSS Categories

Add Categories

  • Add new categories

Manage News

  • View / Edit / Delete articles (Filter based on keyword)
  • Feature / unfeature articles
  • Set max amount of articles per view page in AdminCP


  • Number of news display on Home page
  • Number of news display on Featured, Latest, Hot News page
  • Maximum length of title news preview
  • Maximum length of content news preview
  • View news by

Modules2Buy did a great job of their module.  It's unfortunate they do not have plans to update/upgrade the module.  A high standard has been set for the next developer to deliver a great RSS News module.

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Anyone else interested in bidding on this?
if its possible, Im interested in this as a mod.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.