I would like a Dolphin module created that would have the features of MrRebates.com, only instead of cash paybacks, members would be rewarded with points for their purchases that could then be used for various activities on my site as well as purchases in my site store.
1) All information of affiliate merchant's description, sales & coupons etc., as well as the affiliate link itself would be manually added by me.
2) To have a module that would replicate the functions of MrRebates would be a tremendous way to monetize a site, by rewarding members for making their online purchases through my affiliate links. MrRebates rewards with cash back, but I would like to reward with points instead.
3) As MrRebates rewards a percentage of commissions earned through each affiliate, so I would like to set the points rewards for each affiliate.
4) The points rewards will need to be tied with Modzzz's Points module, as that is the program used for my site.
5) I would like this completed within 90 days maximum, preferably sooner.