many small jobs to do, correct this, change that, someone disponible that i can send an email with what's to be done, you have my logins info and you do it.
very important, disponibility, many members here and even agents sometimes never reply.
If you are really good and know what you are talking about, my jobs should be pretty simple for you, 5 to 10 minutes each probably. I'm a farmer, not a pc tech!! My dolphin website is replacing an existing dating website onto another platform that is working bad lately and i'm loosing money everyday untill i can officialy lauch the dolphin website. So that's why i need someone disponible, espacially for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Everytime i'm stopped by something i can't do i'm stalled 5 days until someone dares to answer, that's what i really need to correct with a good and disponible helper.
I'm not rich but i pay fast, i'll trust my helper to not overcharge me...