I can use some experienced help in finishing up my site.
Looking for someone experienced some with Modzzz POINTS + GIFTS + REWARDS (setup everything include a few mock gifts), and Martinboi's DOLPHIN'S SUBSCRIPTIONS MANAGEMENT and in setting up a few levels of membership. Prefer you know what levels/features do well from Free Membership up to Paid Membership and in between and adjust accordingly.
Also, looking for someone to help me add a few more questions to my new user profile section and to help me with the match levels. I am using JanRain's FB/Twitter integration mod, and PROFILE INFO CHECKER to remind users to complete their profiles. I want that all smooth and working and looking good.
I am offering $175.00 plus a bonus for a great job done. www.gospelhearts.com
Time frame. Hopefully completed within 7-10 days.
Let's talk. Write me privately. Hopefully we can schedule a short 15 min Skype call to clarify everything.
Thank you.