1265116616OthercloudflareOpen budget0 bids$0 average bid19th of June 2017

Need an expert about cloudflare page rules


I am ready to use cloudflare.com for my site www.foreignteacher.com

Need an expert who is familiar to dolphin, and also familiar to cloudflare.com

Job needed:

set and optimize my own site cache settings;

setting the cache rules on cloudflare.com  (It's better prepare less than 10 page rules, and cache the necessary information ). It is also acceptable With 20 page rules to complete the settings.

I want make my site a little bit faster, and on the other side, no performance issues because of cloudflare.com 

my skype id: walter.soong

my mail id:    w8868@hotmail.com

Thank you in advance.


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