brenarisModificationmodification, custom, moduleOpen budget0 bids$0 average bid7th of March 2013

Game Mods and Game Zone

Hi Folks,

Game Zone:

I'm creating an exciting new game platform that will allow small local businesses to utilize gamification and mobile marketing in a cost effective manner for their businesses.  I need a game zone created that will allow me to upload games after they have been created...I will be utilizing TwoChop but I also will be creating games for this site.  The game zone will have to be searchable by US area codes not zip codes.  I'm not sure whether the vendors who already have game mods in the market can just tweak these to fit my specifications or there will be a need to start from scratch...I'm also not interested in this being available in the market for others to purchase.


Game Mods:

Logo Match:

I have a few ideas for game mods that I am hoping someone can create for me the first is a matching game utilizing the Million Dollar Script  I want to be able to upload a background image to fill the entire game area with the grid of the game showing...each 10x10 grid area will have a logo from a business hidden behind that portion of the background image and when it is clicked on the logo image appears...the player then hunts for the matching 10x10 grid area that houses the matching logo when they find it those two grid areas stay exposed and the player goes on to find another match...the player receives a point for every successful match so the game would have to be integrated with a points mod.  I would need to have a match game for all area codes in the US and I don't want anyone but the admin to have access to the back end of the game...I hope I explained this in enough detail to provide an accurate quote.  If not get in touch with me and we can discuss further.


Locate Lulu:

Locate Lulu is another game I am interested in having created.  It would use a map interface utilizing Open Street Map(I'm not a fan of Google and don't want to have to pay to use their API).  Markers from local businesses would be placed on the map with their logos on them...players would have to click on the markers to see if Lulu is at their location...when the player finds Lulu they receive a point...Lulu's location will change automatically upon being found(not sure if this can be done or whether it will be up to the admin to change Lulu's location manually).  Again there would be a Locate Lulu game for all area codes in the US.  I started creating this game using LeafletMapMarkers WP Plugin but it didn't have the flexibility I was looking for.  I need to be able to add logos to map markers. Point mod integration again will be necessary.



Spatid is a product placement game where we ask folks to locate and take a picture of a particular item and upload it to receive points...there is a mod created by Modzzz called Spotted that would work for this with some tweaking but again I would need a Spatid game for all area codes so I'm not sure how this would work into the game.


My hope is that one vendor can do all this work because every game that is uploaded to the game zone is going to have to have the ability to have points awarded to the player so they can be redeemed for local coupons.

I don't want any of this custom work available in the market so I'm sure that will affect the final quote.

Get back to me with questions and let's get this tweaked out!


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