I need a programmer who can upgrade my site from version - 6.0.0005 to version - 7.0.2.
I was recently trying to allow my members and admin access to videos uploaded via web cam (video recorder) so that they could make appropriate changes (edit, delete,rename,etc.) as they are able to with normally uploaded videos but was advised that this isn't possible with my current version and requires an upgrade.
My site has been customized and has several mods that must be intact once the upgrade is done.
If you are interested, capable, quick and skilled at Boonex, please feel free to submit a reasonable and competitive bid and contact me about the project as soon as possible at umbrellic@yahoo.com. I will also want to see examples of your previous Boonex work, preferrably an instance where you've successfully upgraded another site and references for the site owners would be a welcome peace of mind as well.