In reply to newton27
I mailed Michael just on the off chance, hoping that he could help with the spam issues I have been having as I had seen a post in the forum where he made some suggestions.
Well what can I say this guy, is if nothing but amazing and a super star, think maybe he should where a blue spandex with an S symbol :)
Not only did he reply to my of chance mail but he even went ahead and added a few spam filters for me, now if that isn't amazing then I really don't know what is. On top of that he even fixed see more another issue for me that I had posted in the forums and had been hopelessly waiting for some help, its as if he heard my call for help, not only super hearing, super speed but a super dude.

Top notch! 10 Stars Michael, Thanks very much for your great help!!!!
Jamie, thanks for the kind comment! I'll get me a spandex outfit soon.. lol
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.