Add a payment sistem by sms

Hi to all, i want to add a payment sistem by sms. For do this i need to creat a new table for database, and to modify the checkout page...

By default Dolphin have paypall,2checkout and more... is possible to add a new one ? And how?

What i need is :

1 at the checkout.php page i need to show a message with the telefon number and the total price.

2- the member send a message, and obtain one reply with one code(this part is made by the company give me the payment by sms), that have to insert into a field on my site

3- the program have to check if the code is true (from the site database)

4- if is correct have to change the membership level..

I hope is is possible to do...

Quote · 10 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.