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Rss Feeds not workingcraigdates started 29 Dec 2012
craigdates replied 29 Dec 2012My feed were not working ..Just spinning and spinning .I just took a copy of "get_rss_feeds from the new dolphin 7.1 and repl... | 1POST |
Please change the forumsnewton27 started 20 Dec 2012
newton27 replied 25 Dec 2012This may not matter to some but it bugs the shit out of me.
I go through the forums answering questions. Thing is, whe... | 5POSTS |
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befriendbarbieq807 started 17 Dec 2012
mscott replied 17 Dec 2012is there a way to only offer 'befriend' to a certain membership level? | 2POSTS |
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store product moduleDeanMonte started 14 Dec 2012
newton27 replied 15 Dec 2012Can someone please help me with the store product module. It works if u purchase a product, but ur not redirected to the purc... | 2POSTS |